The Sly Caps Interview
The Sly Caps Justin from The Sly Caps answers my questions 1. how did the band form? We were all friends in a local theater group and justin, matt, and jon voinski(now singer for…
Read MoreThe Sly Caps Justin from The Sly Caps answers my questions 1. how did the band form? We were all friends in a local theater group and justin, matt, and jon voinski(now singer for…
Read MoreDead Letter Dept Rob from Dead Letter Dept has a few words to say and of course answers my questions 1. how did the band form? A. 3 kids living in Canada’s biggest city,…
Read MoreHayst Karl from Hayst answers my questions 1. how did Hayst form? Well, it just sorta happened. It wasn’t really planned. A skeleton of the band kinda existed back in 1999, but it was…
Read MoreYesterday’s Kids Tim From Yesterday’s Kids Answers Parx-e Questions 1. how did the the yesterday’s kids form? Justin and I (tim) were in the same band in high school. After that ended (graduation day)…
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