• March 4, 2025


Thomas Ian Nicholas Interview


Thomas Ian Nicholas


Pictures Copyright Respected Holders

Interview With Thomas Ian Nicholas By Chris

I interview Thomas about his new movie LA DJ and
about his career.
LA DJ (Thomas And
Timbo Movie)

1. How did LADJ come about?

A few years ago, my brother Tim told me he was going to
write a screenplay and he invited me to write it with him.
I asked him what it was about and he said “if you write it
with me it will be about 2 brothers”
Moreover, my brother came up with the initial concept of
the story. Together we worked out all the details and wrote
75% of the first draft by locking ourselves in a hotel room
for a weekend. The rest is history.

2. What got you into directing?

Well…I have been wanting to direct a movie for the last 8
years. I just never knew when I would get to do that. After
the initial attempts to sell “LA DJ” to major companies, my
brother and I realized that they were gonna change our
whole idea.
Water it down to some homogenized movie. We decided that we
were going to take control and that’s when I shared my
dream of being a director with my brother. And he agreed to
let me take on that role.

3. What has the response been from most people about the

We have had many test screenings and premieres for “LA DJ”
and the response has been positive. One of the greatest
things that I’ve heard, besides the laughter, has been from
people who have seen it twice. They say that the second
time they watch it gets funnier. They hear jokes that they
didn’t catch the first time. In my mind that’s the best
kind of movie. You know, one that you can watch over and
over again.

4. How did you get people like Carl Cox involved in the

Getting Carl Cox in the movie was quite a journey. My
brother Tim used to DJ in the underground scene with Jesse
Brooks our music Supervisor. Jesse introduced us to Mark
Lewis who grew up with Carl. Wait that sounds a little
easier than it really was. However, the basic idea is that
we connected with Carl through a core network of DJs.

5. Was it hard to make a independent movie?

The most difficult thing about making an independent movie
is when it’s your first time. There have been so many
surprises along the way. Every time my brother and I
accomplish something there’s a new challenge right around
the corner.
I have one thing to say…Post production was by far the
most tiresome aspect of the process. Long lonely hours in
the editing room.

6. Are their plans to get the movie released
overseas(especially Australia)?

Yes. Especially Australia. I have family in Perth. We are
going to release “LA DJ” in the US and Canada first. At the
present time we are in talks with people who will handle
the foreign distribution for the movie in all the other

7. What got you into acting in the first

I started acting when I was 6 years old. I was exposed to
it because of my Mother’s job and have been acting ever

8. What has been your favorite character you have played
so far?

My favorite character is the role of “Mitchell” in a movie
called the Rules of Attraction.

9. What would we find in your stereo at the


10. Who are your favourite musicians?

Bruce Springsteen

11. If you could remake any movie what would it

The Bruce Springsteen story.

12. Who are your favourite actors?

The one’s who deliver honest performances.

13. What is your favourite music movie eg spinal

The Shawshank Redemption

Thanks for your time dude any last words and goodluck
with the movie

Check out http://www.LADJthemovie.com
and pre-order the DVD today!


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