• March 3, 2025


The Vexers Interview


The Vexers

Jenn From The Vexers Answers My Questions

1.how did the band form?

Through a series of questionable decisions and improper life-styles.

2.what are your major influences?

Open-minded people, closed-minded people, prophetic simplicity, the darker

side of the human behavior & kinky sex.

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they be?

In heaven: Gun Club, Radio Birdman & Joy Division (with Pussy Galore
as a

stand-in if one of the band’s booking agents is being a cock-face about

their guarantee) ; In hell: Vexers, Vexers, & and another set by the

4. what music do you class yourselves as?

High art; low interest.

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?

Generally? Alive & reasonably healthy. Geographically? Not in the United

States. Philosophically? A bit more savvy and alot more interesting.

Sexually? The willing love-slave of 10 overzealous, even-tempered teenaged

boys, or the pampered concubine of 1 firm-but-generous, suitably aged

man-beast. Historically? In the “infamous” category with the likes of

Napoleon & Darby Crash. Musically? Finally listed prominently in Trouser

Press, those tunnel-visioned cunts. Realistically? Right where I started

only older and with less hair.

6. what has been your best gig you have played so far?

They all have their moments; otherwise we wouldn’t play at all.

7. what made you want to go out and play music?

The soul to soul sweat swap (ie: audience connect).

8. what’s your fav type of beer?

What I have to drink everyday: Yuengling. What I’d like to drink everyday:


9. who would you most like to record a song with?

Aleister Crowley or Dave Vanian.

10. will you ever come down under and play?

Will you ever invite us?

Check out The Vexers site here


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