• February 24, 2025


Sunny Interview


 Sunny Interview by Chris


Ok if you know or don’t know I run an independent music company and one day this girl called Sunny found my business page and I really liked what I heard and thought pr was a must. So read on

 Interview by Chris 1/6/10

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1. Are you happy how things are going for you so far with the music?
ABSOLUTELY! After getting my music myspace up and releasing some demos it’s been really cool to see everything start to build-up (definitely not an overnight success). I’ve been lucky enough to see a constant growth in fan base while figuring out my sound! These people that believe in me now are the ones that have chosen to come with me on this journey and I couldn’t have better company! The music speaks for itself and even thought it may get tough, nothing’s better than pursuing something that I absolutely LOVE doing… making music!

2.How is the ep different to the last recording?
Well for one I wasn’t recording in my closet with my laptop using Garage Band, ha ha!  After emailing concepts back and forth with different people, I decided I wanted to take this E.P. in a poppy direction vs. the more ambient folk I was writing. I loved the feel of one instrumental concept in particular sent to me by a good friend of mine Nick Marfing (Parade the Day/ latenighthabit.com)! Shortly after, I flew out to Richmond, Virginia to record with him for a month! The songs all have this trending vibe of uplifting positivity and a young feel that’s meant to remind you of growing up and opening your heart for the first time.  Anyways,  I really couldn’t be happier with the way they turned out! The full four song E.P will be released late June for free 🙂 (Including "Meant to Be" and "Best Disaster" that are up on my myspace already)!

3. what inspires you when writing music?
I know this may sound cliché but I’ve found inspiration from literally everything and everyone. I’ve written songs inspired by everything  from personal experiences and relationships to seeing someone smile at a stranger or wondering what someone is thinking! I think if you look around there are so many wonderful things that it’s impossible to not be overwhelmed and inspired. Of course writing music has also been something that I’ve always used to release my negative energy. When I’m having a bad day or am sad or angry I write a song and automatically feel better. It blows my mind that no matter what you’re feeling, someone else has felt that way at some point in time  and that no matter what you write SOMEONE can relate. I think it’s  really hard to not find comfort or inspiration in that.

4. how was the recording process like for the ep?
The recording process was such a fun experience! Nick owns an in-home studio in his loft that overlooks downtown and I completely fell in love with it and the rest of Richmond. I’m such a city girl so waking up in the middle of it everyday in this fantasy loft left me feeling not only really inspired but ready to work my ass off. Nick made the process flow extremely well with being able to give as well as accept critique and not shy away from telling me if something sounded funky. Our days went a little something along the lines of this: Wake up, eat, write, write, record, record, eat, record, sleep. wake up and do it all over again. Of course there were the occasional parties and meeting a lot of really great people, but overall we were both incredibly determined and excited to get things done! I’ve heard so many people have terrible experiences recording but I was lucky enough to have a blast and be able to put my heart into these songs with no difficulties!

5. What do you think of major record labels and the new 360 deals?
I think major labels are a blessing and a curse. Yes, they can be extremely beneficial but goodness can they be suffocating. For a label to have a percentage of your merch, guarantees, PR work, record sales and whatever else is a bit much in my opinion..I don’t know, it’s a controversial topic that I rather not even think about. Record Labels are good. Money sucking is not. Music is good. Making music for the sole purpose of making money is not.

6. What has been your favourite place to sing so far?
Well since I haven’t toured with my new music yet, I’m gonna give you a blast from the past. I was in a band called The Torpedos with three guys in high school and we played a show at this place called Fat Daddys in Lewisville, Texas. It was a pretty hoppin’ place but I didn’t think anyone was gonna show up cause it was just us and some other small local. It was the best feeling getting on that stage and seeing almost my entire High School there supporting us on a Friday night. It sounds cheesy but it was then and there that I realized there will always be people that believe in me and support me!

7. Are you happy how people have responded to your music?
So far everyone has been really supportive and shown a positive response to it which I couldn’t be happier for! I’m so thankful for everyone who’s sent me messages and comments letting me know my music has affected them or just flat out makes them smile! Lets just hope all this love keeps on comin’ *fingers crossed*! I know eventually I’ll run into people that hate my music and criticize the crap out of me but I’ve already learned to phase that out. If YOU love what you’re doing to hell with those who think negatively about it!

8. who have you enjoyed working with the most?
OoO this is a tough one! I’ve really loved everyone I’ve worked with so far whether it be recording, writing or just jamming with, but I’m about to do some collaboration work with someone that I’ve been wanting to for a while now…. Can we post pone this question?!

9. How has the media responded to the album and your music?
We’ll see how they respond to the E.P when it’s released! But like I said, so far everything has been positive and uplifting even though only my demos are up! I’d like it to stay that way for as long as it can!

10. any plans to play down here in Melbourne?
Gosh, I wish! I’d give anything to tour in Australia! Find me a booking agent out there and lets make it happen you beautiful people!! Unfortunately, for now I think I’m sticking to the states for a bit with a possible acoustic tour towards the end of the year. Guess y’all will just have to keep checking in with me to see where/ when those dates are

11. What advice can you give to people who wanna make a career in music?
*Don’t ever stop believing in yourself no matter how hard it gets or how many people think you can’t.
*Always believe in improvement and bettering your skills.
*Familiarize yourself in the business aspects of things so you don’t get sucked in or screwed.
*Be aware of your surroundings
*Enjoy every second of you doing what you love!!


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