• March 4, 2025


Spectre Interview



Interview With Spectre By Chris

Great american rock band

Spectre Website

1.how did the band form?

Chris and I were originally in a band called Animus. When
our bass player left the band, we took some time off to
work on other things. After several months we ended up
jamming with some guys who were trying to start a band.
They were horrible, but the guitar player was good. I asked
him if he would like to work on a project with Chris and
me, and he was all for it. We started playing with a bass
player I knew from the coffee shop I managed, and started
playing shows soon after.

2.what were your major influnces?

Everyone in the band has very different influences, but
since I write all the music, I’d say that our sound is
shaped more by mine. Some of which are: Smashing Pumpkins,
Radiohead, Tool, APC, U2, and recently Loudermilk

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they

Tool, Radiohead, and Prince

4. what music do you class yourselves as?

Alternative/Rock (there is no right way to answer that

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?

Touring as a band. I, personally, would also love to be
heavily involved in producing at that point


6. what has been your best gig you have played so

Too many to choose from. DC stop of the Warped tour, Salt
Lake City with The Mooney Suzuki & Loudermilk, and
actually, we had one hell of a show last week at TT
Reynold’s in our hometown of Fairfax, VA.

7. what made you want to go out and play

I can’t say what made me want to play. I just loved making
music from a young age. Any instrument I could get my hands
on, and especially singing. As for what made me want to go
out and play: Billy Corgan. I wanted to do what he

8. what are your thoughts on file sharing and the mp3

It’s a great way for people around the world to hear your
music, but people have to be responsible about it. If you
are downloading our shit for free, please support us in
other ways. You can have the songs if you come out to the
shows and buy T-shirts, and bring your friends. If you just
use it to be lazy, then you are hurting the artists you are

9. who would most like to record a song with?

Prince. I would probably shit my pants in the studio
though. That guy is fucking incredible. He plays 27
instruments and has a 5 octave vocal range!!! He also
produces everything himself. Genius.

10. do you think the internet is good for helping bands
get known?

I’m talking to a guy in Australia from Washington, DC.
Yeah, I’d say it’s helping.

Version 3.0



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