• March 3, 2025


Kiss Chasy Interview


Kiss Chasy

Joel Answers my questions

Kiss Chasy

1.how did the band form?

The ashes of tenpin, and so many ways,…
basically these two bands played a show togteher once, and i (joel) saw daz
singing for so many ways, i approached him after the show, saying i wanted
to start another band, and he was super keen, so we started writing,…
then karl and sean(both ex-tenpin) heard the stuff we were doing and
thought it was cool, so they were in!!!

2.who are your major influnces?

Ummm, definitely the juliana thoery, and
saves the day. Sean and karl listen to alot of 311, and incubus… and we
can’t helped but be inspired by glassjaw as a whole. Not in a musical
influence way, we don’t write anything like them, but listening to them
just makes you wanna be in a band!

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they be?

including us??? Or 3 others??? I’ll say three others
1. saves the day
2. the juliana theory
3. phantom planet(sounds whack, but they have the most amazing live show)

4. what music do you class yourselves as?

Rock, derived from a punk sort of
background… but still Rock

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?

Hopefully retired.. hahaha,
nah, we hope to be still writing music, selling records, touring…. and
spending various stints of time in the bettyford clinic(is that where the
drugged rockstars go????)

6. what has been your best gig you have played so far?
ummm, our second show
when we headlined, there were so many kids,…. it was in somerville…..
it was awesome…… that or the last goo show we played with i killed the
prom queen, and parkway drive. That was just a really cool show, and it was

7. what made you want to go out and play music?

the desire to NOT go out
and work, and the oppurtunity to travel around the world having fun!!!

8. what your fav type of beer? corona….hands down

9. who would most like to record a song with?

woah, thats a weird question,
since i had this dream last night, where we did like this benifit single
for some cause, and we were playing the music, and we had guest appearences
from chris(saves the day) daryl(glassjaw) Rob(joshwinsagain) and this girl
that we met a little while ago who was an amazing
songwriter/singer/guiatist!!, so i think that song would be pretty rad!!!

10. have you got any releases in the pipeline?

Yeah, we’re going to have an
album out during summer, we’re going into the studio late october for 6
weeks, can’t wait!!!

thanks for your time

any last words

thank you chris!!!!

Kiss Chasy


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