Jawbreaker to me and loads of other people are one of the most important bands that came out of the 90’s. With Bivouac & Chesterfield King being re-released, I thought it was a good time to talk to Adam Pfahler about it all.
1. Why decide to re-release Bivouac & Chesterfield King!?
Blackball Records (the band’s imprint that I run out of my house) now owns the whole Jawbreaker catalog. I am in the process of remastering all of our records for re-release. The only one that’s left is 24 Hour Revenge Therapy, which is next on the list. Both Chesterfield King and Bivouac have been out of print in their physical formats for quite some time. And hell, it’s their twentieth birthday.
2. Are you happy how the remastering has gone for the re-releases?
Yes, finally. It’s a painstaking process that I’ve been in for the past several years. Between hunting down the original tapes, remastering with John Golden, re-shooting the art and sending back test press after test press, it’s finally to the point where i’m really happy with it.
3. Are you surprised how popular the band still is after all these years?
I am. We all are. I was talking to Chris and Blake about that this summer. We don’t take it for granted. We’re proud of that band.
4. Why release the albums in Vinyl?
Chesterfield King hasn’t been available since it’s original pressing twenty years ago. Bivouac has been out of print on vinyl for several years, too. I thought it was time to bring them back for all the audiophiles and vinyl junkies out there. People still love vinyl. I know I do. It sounds way better than CDs and it totally mops the floor with MP3s. PS: the vinyl versions of these will come with a download card, so people can dump them into their little machines. You get both. This is America, after all.
5. How hard was it to get Dear You re released?
That was tough. I had to license it from Universal. They have it back up on itunes now.
6 What would of been your favorite gig you played when the band was still going?
No idea! A lot stick out. The Jabberjaw shows in LA were amazing, as were the shows we played at Gilman and the Chameleon in SF. ABCNORION, CBGB in NYC. The DPC in Tucson was always fun. But I remember being really stoked on our last Roxy show in Los Angeles I wonder if I heard a bootleg of that if it would hold up. Anyone have it?