• March 3, 2025


Greyfield Interview



Chris from Greyfield answers my questions


1. how did the band form?

the band formed in november of 2001 we were all doing different stuff but knew each other and thought itd be kewl to start a side prject together…..well as the ‘side’ project progressed we quickly realzied it was better than anything else were doin so we quit our other bands recorded an ep and set out for the road!!and the rest is history:)

2. what were your major influnces?

we had so much influences ranging from saves the day to against all authority to blink 182 to acdc to the doors….haha

3. if you could have a three band bill who would they be?
greyfield!!,blink 182, and the doors!that would be

4. what music do you class yourselves as?
we class ourselves as pop-rock n roll band!

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?
in yrs ill be old and that will suck but hopefully ill be touring non stop and just playing my old music to whomever wants to hear it!

6. what has been your best gig you have played so far?
i think our best gig to date was a show we played in milwaukee with Goldfinger and it was packed ot the bone. just thousands of kids goin nuts and it was awesome to be a part of it.

7. what made you want to go out and play music?
well my mom only let me listen to ‘christian’ music when i was younger and i just got obsessed with the guitar and it really inspired me to go in the other direction and rebel!ne of them, and some genuinely make me want to break my own “too cool for school” no-dancing rule at shows and tear up the floor with my fist in the air, there are always those who make me want to kill myself. Even so, I honestly enjoy playing with all of them. If there’s one thing I’d like to comment on, it’s gender in the music scene. Please, girls of the world, (Aussie girls!!! I’m talking to you!!!) please for the love of Jihad, start a fucking band! This doesn’t have to be a little boys club… You don’t have to settle for taking pictures at the shows when you can be playing the guitar! Trust me… It’s heaps funner!

8. what your fav type of beer?

im not a beer drinkin i might be a pussy and drink a ‘sky blue’ every once in a while but i know our guitarist matt loves corona!

9. who would most like to record a song with?

snoop dogg

9. any new releases in the pipeline?

well were hopefully recording some new songs here in the future but nothing is schedules yet!

everyone should come to fl and hang out with us!!because were always bored and neeed more friends!haha im j/k but you should really come over just make sure you call first!


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