My friend Destiny Love new song All the Love is now out and this is what she had to say about it.
I felt like I was hit by an energetic ton of bricks.
The model in which my music was being released was just not sustainable for me as an artist, and I couldn’t find a creative way to do it in a new way… so I just stopped. And wow, it hurt! My vital energy just plummeted.
When musicians switched from selling CDs to selling digital music, most of us also agreed to allow our music to be streamed for free on many streaming platforms. I’m not sure why we agreed to this, but I think it has something to do with an idea that the more people who listen to our music, the higher the chance of “making it” in the music industry.
In reality, this only proved to create a massive energetic imbalance that looks like this: I put thousands of dollars, countless hours, and my soul into the production of my music and you can have it for free.
This is slave-mentality.
Why? I kept asking myself why? Why would I possibly go on with this model?
Because my soul has songs that need to be shared.
And ultimately I trust in SACRED RECIPROCITY.
And I also trust that by TALKING ABOUT THIS IMBALANCE, BALANCE IS INEVITABLY CREATED. The subconscious darkness, when illuminated, no longer functions from the subconscious, but from the Light— from the SUPER-CONSCIOUS.
But I also realized something else… I was only asking people to listen to my music… I reminded myself of one of those guys on Venice Beach that are literally PUSHING albums into the hands of passerbyers. That’s what I felt like… must get thousands of streams to make a few dollars… to get the attention of the “playlist makers” so I can get some “new listeners” and maybe someday pay myself back?
I actually wasn’t asking the right question.
While some people were valuing my music enough to purchasing the digital tracks, they were few and far between compared to the number of listens my tracks were receiving (thousands). In the model I had relied upon, I was solely relying on music streams (paying less than a penny per listen), people adding me to their existing playlists, sharing my music. I was also relying on the innate generosity of people’s hearts to help complete the production of my Hawaii album, without even asking like I had ten years ago in successful kickstarter. I was relying on direct reciprocity… you like my music = you give a tip to keep the muse flowing. This is where I began to imagine something broken in this new system we’ve collectively created, and I know the only way through is to vulnerably talk about it.
Some of the lyrics of this song say, “I receive all the love that is. I give all the love I am. I give and I give and I forgive… I give all the love I am. Because I am free, I am free in the spirit. …”
The message couldn’t be more spot-on with the conundrum I have been in.
This song carries a medicinal sound frequency and the energy of finally TRUSTING in SACRED RECIPROCITY. It is actually not a broken system, I have just not been engaging in consciously.
I have already heard amazing feedback from those who listened to the pre-release. Someone just yesterday said that he had a beautiful healing experience by listening to this track twice through, that it opened his voice in a profound way. I’d LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. This is a powerful way to demonstrate reciprocity. Listen to the track, and message me back with how it felt in your body. 🙂
I released this track as a sacred declaration as a part of a protocol to GET THE FLOW FLOWIN’ in my life, this is a program I have created and am now sharing with a group of awesome people. This song release is my declaration of trusting in the power of FLOW. When something is stagnant in your life and you have the power within you to get it UNSTUCK, then the responsibility is yours. So while I waited a year for a special fan to just offer “out of the blue” to pay for the rest of the album production, I was only digging myself in a hole.
I am my biggest fan!
I love and adore myself!
I believe in the power of this music!