• February 24, 2025


Catherine Traicos & The Starry Night Gloriosa Album Review


Catherine Traicos & The Starry Night – Gloriosa (An Ocean Awaits/Fuse)

I’ve been a fan of Catherine music for ages, I first saw her play early 2010 and well I’ve been going to shows ever since. She is a singer songwriter with something to say, her voice and lyrics draw you in very easily and with her band The Starry Night she sound even better. The album is to me a lot different to the last album, their is a lot more melodies and popness with some of the tracks. You can feel a bit of a country influence with some of the tracks. The opening track Australian Sun is a beautiful laid back tune that draws you in like fine wine. Beg For Love is a winner of a track, it’s catchy beautifully written and performed. She has a way with lyrics and melodies that I haven’t seen from an Aussie singer songwriter in ages. The band gets to show off here and it really works for the track. Walk Into The Stars has a little bit of a country influence in the track, love the use of Slide Guitar. It’s a nice breezy tune that captures her songwriter and her way of writing lyrics. Don’t Leave Me would be one of my favourite tunes off the album. It’s got a real Aussie feel to the track, it highlights the band talents, her way of writing a tune, that is meaningful and moving at the same time. Sing Like A Bird also does that as well, it’s a little catchy, a joy to the ears and one of my fav tunes live. Baby Don’t Cry is like the first track in terms of way the song is structured and how the the is written and performed. Love’s Window is another pick off the album for me. Well written, well played, lyrics are good, Catherine voice is fine form, just a really good tune and great use of synthesizer thru the track. Let You Go is another lovely track, and this track I get hints of Cat Power, with the way the backing vocals are performed and I love the use of Electric Guitar on this track, it really works well here. A Stranger is a song that open ups nicely with great piano playing turns into another winning Catherine track that has passion seeping thru out the track. You can feel melodies going thru the song and winning you over the way only that Catherine can do it. It finishes off beautifully with Magic Water a lovely track that has great use of electric guitar, well played and well sung. This is a fantastic album, I loved it from start to finish. The production is great, the band is perfect for her music. This should easily see her get new fans and people getting into her music like I did. There is something about Catherine, that Australia hasn’t seen in years, She writes such beautiful songs that are a pleasure to listen to. I loved this album and will be in my top 10 albums of the year. Do yourself a favor go and support this fine Aussie talent and purchase this album, you won’t be disappointed. Yeah go see her play live on the album tour, it will be worth it.


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