• March 4, 2025


Buffseeds Interview




Picture copyright respected holders.

I interview to Kieren From Buffseeds

Buffseds are one the great Indie UK Bands.
Talented muso’s and that’s why the interview.

Buffseeds Website

1.How did the band form?

We started after my cousin Joel and I had decided we were
gonna be the next Nirvana and set about trying to find our
own Dave Grohl. We came across Ella via a friend and
although she came from an entirely different musical
background ( more jazz/funk) we clicked as a unit and
called ourselves Buffseeds. Neil was a long time fan who i
just happened to kind of know so we invited him to audition
for us one night in a friends front lounge. That’s where it

2.What were your major influences?

Well we grew up through Grunge so Pearl Jam, Smashing
Pumpkins and Nirvana were our big musical influences but
also R.e.m and Radiohead. Joel and I also grew up with
parents who appreciated the finer sides of the 60/70’s like
Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Free etc… I guess some of it
rubbed off subconsciously.

3.If you could have a three band bill who would they

Dead or alive cause it would make a big difference to the
answers? Probably Neil Young to start with followed by Jeff
Buckley then headlined by The Doors cause I’d have loved to
have seen Jim do his stuff in real life.

4. Has radio in the uk been good at helping your band
get known?

Yeah. Radio one have been supportive for us. We had our
first ever demo played on Steve Lamacq and had our singles
played. It’s one of the best feeling in the world to hear
yourself on national radio thinking, there are millions of
people listening to this. Better than sex? No but

5. Where do you think you will be in 10 years?

Hopefully reaping the rewards of a long and successful
career. If not that, then probably making shoes in a
factory dreaming of what could have been.

6. What has been your best gig you have played so

Glastonbury last year was wicked. It’s on the unspoken
checklist of things you have to do if you’re in a band.
That’s the biggest gig we’ve played. When we played New
York as well. It was one of those gigs where you get some
cuts and bruises and not everything goes to plan but you
emerge having won the fight and it’s nice to do that.

7. What the scene like where you live?

The Exeter scene is really good. We have quite an intense
hardcore/emo punk scene down here which we kind of don’t
fit in with but i think we get a nodding approval from
others for at least showing other bands you can be in Devon
and get a deal etc…We’re like a gentle uncle or
something. But not, cause that makes us sound creepy!

8. What are your thoughts on file sharing and the mp3

I have feet in both camps. I think it’s great for bands to
get exposure, and fantastic in a technological sense cause
we can just wing an mp3 demo down the phone line to our
manager and within minutes he can hear it and make comments
etc… so it’s revolutionised the music making progress.
But i also agree that labels (and especially little poorer
labels) can’t survive if everyone get’s stuff for free. The
real problem is that nobody saw it coming and there’s
little point policing something which has now become a
habit for millions.

9. Who would most like to record a song with?

Jennifer Lopez. Why? Do I have to even answer that!

10. Do you think the internet is good for helping bands
get known?

Yes. Our website’s done a lot of work for us and it’s a
brilliant way of bands to address fan’s directly. We’ve
developed some really good friendships off the back of our
website. Something it would be near impossible to do in any
other form.

Thanks for your time any last words

like if i was on death row or something? I’d probably say.
Thanks for everything. Followed by ‘Goodbye’. hows

Thanks to Paul Baylis From UXB Recordings for
The album The Picture Show is out now


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