• February 25, 2025


Tully On Tully Interview


Tully On Tully



Tully On Tully are an awesome band from Melbourne, who put on a killer show live. Two Birds is one of my favorite songs at the moment. To get the low down Pete from the band answers my questions.


1. What will be the up coming release be about?

Our upcoming EP doesn’t have a specific theme, but all of the songs loosely touch on ideas that we’ve shared and experienced as individuals over our lives. From latent epiphanies about past relationships to darker themes of loss and grief, it’s all tied together with colourful and uplifting sounds that paint a more hopeful picture of the future.

2. What is the song Two Birds about?

Two Birds is a short story about love. More specifically, it’s about a couple who have come to a stagnant point in their relationship and decide to live in the moment and try some new experiences. Unfortunately it hasn’t gone to plan and the song is sung through the eyes of one half of the couple who feel that they’ve gone too far and wants things to be how they were before.

3. Are you happy how the the tour went?

We had a fantastic time on the tour. Having it spread over a couple of months enabled us to recharge between shows and really give our all at each gig. We played in a few spots that we’re familiar with and a few more that were new to us, and managed to sell a few CDs and make a few new fans along the way. All in all it was very successful!

4. How important is having the right sound engineer in making your live show sound good?

A good sound engineer is crucial in a live setting. Fortunately, we haven’t come across many that weren’t good! One thing we have found is that the more time you spend honing the music and dynamics on stage yourself the easier their job is, and that then allows them to spend less time trying to get the balance right and more time highlighting dramatic points. Communicating with engineers is so important, so we try to forge good working relationships with everyone we work with, even if it’s just for the one show. When it all comes together like that you get some incredibly magical moments live.

5. What is your favorite place to play?

I think we’re all fans of Byron Bay, where we’ve played a few times now. Maybe it’s the cool atmosphere and the beaut weather, but we love it! We also had a great time in Toronto, Canada, and would love to play over there again some time.

6. Are you happy how things have gone for your music so far?

Absolutely. We’ve been working at a steady pace over the last few years with some periods of intense insanity (recording, playing overseas and such), and we’re always getting feedback from friends and industry people that continues to encourage us. We have achieved a huge amount so far, but have so much more that we want to say and do so I don’t see it subsiding any time soon.

7. Who do you enjoy playing with the most?

We can’t go past a good gig with mates. We’ve played with Neighbourhood Youth a lot, and they’re very good friends of ours. Those shows are always huge with our extended pool of friends and family. We’ve also played a lot with Playwrite who are an incredibly talented and hardworking gang, though I reckon it’s been too long since we’ve shared the stage with them!

8. What does the rest of 2015 have in store for you?

Quite a bit as it happens. We’re in the final stages of preparing our new EP. We have at least one more single to drop in the coming months, and probably quite a few shows to go with it. In general we’re playing a lot more which is so great for both our ongoing exposure but also our abilities, which continue to be honed and improved with every gig we play. Who knows, we might even end up overseas again before the year is out. Fingers crossed!


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