• January 18, 2025


The Raffaellas Interview


The Raffaellas

The Raffaellas - Hands

The Raffaellas are a Melbourne band doing good things. I liked what I heard so an Interview was a must. Read on and find out more about the band.


1. What was the inspiration behind the new single hands?

You know when you repeat the same word so many times that it loses any meaning? ‘Hands’ was an attempt to identify with that same feeling which can appear in a broken relationship; when fights and power struggles become so frequent that you lose the ability to tell whether they are genuine or whether you are just going through the motions.

2. What do you hope that will do for you?

Despite its slightly forlorn lyrics, ‘Hands’ has always been a fun song to play live and always gets a good reception from the crowd. We are always writing new tracks but love to play ‘Hands’ live.

3. What has been the highlight so far?

Earlier this year we had a really great night releasing our previous single ‘Words’ at Ding Dong Lounge in Melbourne. The place was full and it got nice and messy. Ding Dong has been refurbished and fitted-out with a new sound system, so things got quite loud.

4. What was it like to work with Lindsay Gravina?

Lindsay was great to work with. It’s crucial that you have a good relationship with your producer and after the first few hours with Lindsay we knew that what we would produce with him would be special. He has seen the music industry’s transition from analogue to digital and uses some interesting recording techniques to utilize both digital and analogue sounds.

5. What will the up coming EP about?

Our EP won’t be about a single theme but will cover a few different thoughts. I had a crazy dream last night that I was in the scary elevator that shoots from the ceiling in ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. Maybe I can get that into one of the songs somewhere.

6. Do you think the internet has made it harder for bands to stand out?

Easier and harder. It’s easier to tell people what you are doing and when/where a gig is going to be. It’s harder because people are bombarded with information on the internet and can quickly forget that you exist if you don’t remind them once in a while.

7. What does it mean to connect with your fans?

Playing live to a crowd is the best feeling you can have as a musician, and seeing people who are enjoying your music tops that. We have fun on stage and when we can get the folk watching to dance with us, then that leaves us with that warm Christmasy feeling.

8. If you could have anybody in a video clip who would it be?

It would have to be a tossup between George Clooney drinking his favourite Nespresso or Pharrell Williams adding some high pitched notes and silver slacks (aka Blurred Lines).

9. Who have you enjoyed playing with recently?

We had a great night supporting Jinja Safari on their album tour at The Toff in Melbourne, those guys know how to put on a show. We have a show coming up at Prince Bandroom with The Neighbourhood Youth who we have played with before. Every song they play seems like it could be the single of their album, they just have solid song-writing going on there.

10. What does 2013 mean to you?

Developing and maturing our song-writing skills and arrangement skills is on our minds throughout 2013. We are looking forward to putting out these new tracks and hitting the stages.


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