• March 29, 2025


The Maine Interview


The Maine


The Maine are great American band who have been doing good things for years with a new album Forever Halloween coming out. I talk to Garrett Nickelsen the bass player from the band about it all. So read on and find out why these guys are good and why they have such a good loyal fan base.


1. Why did you guys decide to self fund the new album?

With our last album self funded and how happy we were with the outcome it just seemed like the right thing to do again.

2. Were you happy with the response to it?

At this point we have only posted two songs from the new record but the response has been amazing! People seem just as excited for the record as we are which is always a great thing. Live the couple songs have gone over really great too!

3. What do you hope the new album will do for the band?

I’m really hoping the die hard fans we have had since the beginning keep on enjoying what we do. If some new people come along too that would jut w a plus.

4. How was recording process like compared to earlier releases?

It was a lot different this time around. We recorded live, all at the same time and, to tape. Normally we are record at separate times and are able to go back and fix things with the computer but this wasn’t the case with this one. We had to all play a great take at once even vocals! It was tough but the finished product has a much more exciting sound.

5. Will see you guys come play Aussie again soon?

We are working on some tours ideas as we speak. We hope to make it there before the end of the year!

6. Would you guys like to play Soundwave again soon?

That would be amazing! Soundwave is such a great tour to be apart of. If we got invited back we would totally love to.

7. How do you think social networking has helped the band?

It was such a huge part of the beginning of our band. It helped reach people outside of our local city without being able to tour. It has a huge part of why we are still here I think.

8. What advice could to somebody wanting to start a career in music?

There is no one right way to be a band. Make music you love because people can tell when something isn’t truthful.

9. If you could put the ultimate festival together who would be on it or has it already happened?

Neil Young, The Replacements, Foo Fighters, Wilco and The Maine haha

10. What does 2013 mean to you?

It’s been a great year making music and seeing the world!


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