The Getaway Plan
The Getaway Plan really need no introduction, as they are an extremely successful Australian band. They are playing the Live It Up Festival an underage music festival in Queensland, So this is what they had to say about underage shows and what next for the guys.
1. Why do you think underage shows are important to you as a musician?
Underage shows give us a chance to play to kids who don’t often get the opportunity to see live music. Kids really do appreciate shows so much more than overage crowds and it’s always a really gratifying experience. It means the world to us to be able to do what we do, and make people so happy.
2. Do you think more shows should be done for u18 and what do you think can be done to make it happen?
I definitely think so. Liquor licensing laws make it really difficult for bands to play U18 shows at decent venues. Also, the overheads of an underage show are so high that it often makes it really hard to pull off. I think if there were more U18 friendly venues throughout the country, then it wouldn’t be such a problem.
3. What has been your favourite show to date?
For me it would be our reunion show at Billboards, Melbourne in 2010. After not playing together for nearly 3 years, and to come back to such a massive and wonderful response was really, really special.
4. If you could put the ultimate line up together who would be on it?
Radiohead, Led Zeppelin, Mew, Bjork, Fleetwood Mac… and us, of course.
5. Who would you most like to tour with?
I would have to say Coldplay.
6. What does it mean to connect with your fans?
Our fans have always been so great to us and it’s really important for us to let them know how appreciative we are of that. We do our best to keep in touch with everyone online and try to meet as many of them as we can at shows. Without that kind of interaction, you very quickly lose sight of why you’re doing this in the first place.
7. How does social networking help you?
Social networking is most definitely the best promotional tool for artists these days. I think the greatest benefit is that it allows us to easily stay in touch with our fans. That, and it’s free.
8. What does 2013 mean to you?
I’m really looking forward to more international and national touring and being able to see more places that I haven’t before. Other than that we’ll be working on the beginnings of a new record. It’s looking to be a great year.