Suburban Haze
Suburban Haze is a cool Aussie band doing good things. With a new EP this is what they had to say
1.What was the inspiration behind the ep?
We essentially wanted to take what we did on our last album and just do it ~better~. We really wanted the heavy bits to be as heavy as possible and just have a lot more happening constantly. Much of the themes are still the same i.e. frustration with everything
2. How did the songs come together for the ep?
Composition was handled by running episodes of Louie into an Electro Harmonix Random Tone Generator and then transposing them back onto different instruments. Well at least, that’s how I remember it. I think it mostly came about from jamming while watching episodes of Louie? It’s all kind of a blur.
3. Had the songwriting changed from when you were starting out?
Definitely! This was the first release that I played guitar on as well as sang so that changed the process a great deal. It moved the focus to a much more guitar driven sound. ·
4. Was the recording process different to earlier material?
The way we recorded this time was really quite different. We’d previously taken the “we aren’t recording anything we can’t pull off live” approach but now we just throw everything in on recording and worry about live later.
5. What do you hope people get out of the EP when it’s released?
A great lust for life. Not in the Iggy Pop get-on-heroin style lust for life. Just a good-ol “hey, at least I was never in the band Jet” lust. ·
6. Do you have plans to go overseas once the EP is released and have toured the EP?
Would absolutely love to, If we can organize it, then for sure!
7. What do you hope people will get out of your live shows?
A nice shiny new record? Haha, but more importantly just a connection to the songs. Everyone feels shitty from time to time and hopefully people can relate to what we are doing and maybe feel a bit less shitty. Or at least think “hey, I’m not alone in feeling shitty”
8. Do you have any rituals before playing live?
We will usually try and sacrifice at least one animal to Beelzebub and pray for a good yield of crops to carry us through the winter. Also sometimes Dylan and I do vocal warmups.
9. What is next for the band?
We’ve got a few things coming up! Going to try and push out another few releases this year and work on a full length. Also maybe get matching John Cena tattoos? (you won’t be able to C them)
10. If you could have anybody in a video clip who would it be?
George Michael during his “Freeek” phase, the weird sexual iron-man thing was dope, I want that to be cool again.