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Interview With Carly Kane from Stellate By Chris 14/2/09

Stellate is a great american band from Atlanta America and they are seriously good and have played with some of the biggest bands in America right now such as Paramore,Garbage,Panic At The Disco

They were worthy of publicity so read on.

Stellate Website

1. Are you happy how the EP turned out?

I’m thrilled with how the EP turned out. The studio is amazing, the producers are fantastic, and the songs really mean something to us. The way everything came together is just awesome. Can you tell I’m excited about it?!? The only thing that is a let down is the fact that we had to wait until later to do more songs. But that’s just something to look forward to.

2. What was the inspiration for the EP?

Well for us, each song has it’s own inspiration. When we chose to do those songs and looked back at how they fit together, I noticed something. Each song is inspired by a seriously strong emotion. When you fall in love, or have a crush, or when your heart gets broken for that first horrible time. Or even the experience of freedom; they’re all intense emotions. So we took the line “I get a rush,” and made it the title. It just made sense. It’s that feeling of being overcome by an emotion.

3. What inspires you when writing music?

Anything and everything. We get ideas from each other, from books we read, from things we experience in our own lives. Our friends and family have to watch out as well or we’ll write about them. ? If there’s something that sparks a thought, we grab it and run with it. If it doesn’t work, we trash it. If it works, we love it.

4. How has radio helped with your music?

Well, right now it looks like it will be getting us exposure in countries other than our own. Regional stations have also been big supporters of our career. Between airplay, festivals, and putting us on stage with national artists, they’ve backed us and believed in us. It’s been a great relationship.

5. How did the band form?

That’s always an interesting question for us because everyone has a unique story and we came from everywhere. I met David (guitars) in college and it turned out that we lived in the same neighborhood so we starting songwriting together. We met Adam (guitars) through MySpace. We met Jon (bass) through Craig’s List. We met our drummer through a friend of a friend after a very long and serious search for drummers. As you can tell, we’re definitely not one of those band where we all grew up together, we were all actively looking for someone to play with who had a similar vision for the music we wanted to make.

6. What has been the highlight of the band so far?

There are so many highlights in what we do it’s hard to choose. The Ireland tour was amazing. Warped Tour was awesome. And I’d say the most recent highlight was making this new EP. It was the perfect time to be doing these songs, in the right studio at the right time, it was like a dream…literally.

7. Why did you change names?

Well, in the US, there is a saxophone quartet that already holds the Trademark for Helios. We can’t legally use the name Helios in the music industry without infringing upon their rights of ownership, so we had to go out and get a new name. I kind of like the new one though 😉 I think we’re going to stick with it this time.

8. Has the internet been a great help with getting your music out there?

Absofreakinlutely! It’s been really great as a tool for getting our songs out there so that more people all over the world can hear the them, verses only the venues you play and the radio stations who are willing to play you. It’s almost been the downfall of the music industry, but at the same time, in doing that, it has forced the industry to go back to what it was about in the beginning; not money, but the music. It is a big part of the equation in getting exposure for us.

9. What is on the cards for the band in 2009?

We’re lining up our next tour dates and they’re going to be a little unconventional so we’re excited about that. Writing more songs, recording more songs. If we can line the details up, we’d love to introduce our live show to the Aussies 😉

10. Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I haven’t really thought of anyone by name, but I really like working with great songwriters and I’m always up for anything. I feel like I still have a lot to learn from collaboration as well. So now that you bring it up, I think I’ll start a list…

11. What do you think of record labels and 360 deals?

Mmmm, that’s a tough subject for me. Record labels are struggling more and more yet they’re also taking more and more from the artist. Naturally that’s not going to sit well with me. There is somewhat of a good side to it though. If the label gets a percentage of multiple areas, then they want the artist to succeed in those areas, not just in record sales, so they’re likely to be more supportive of the artist in all of those areas. Can you tell I’m torn?

12. Do you think that sites like Perez Hilton who plug music are a good or a bad thing for the music industry?

Well, I actually didn’t realize that he plugs music on his site. But I’m not sure that I see a bad side to it. He has a ton of visitors to his site and if he puts new music up there from new artists and currently hot artists, it’s only more exposure for the artists right? Getting your art our there to new fans is always a good thing. If there’s a bad side, I haven’t heard about it yet.

13. Are you happy for the new found recognition as Atlanta’s hottest rocker?

Ha ha ha, I totally didn’t think you’d ask a question about that. I am very flattered and honored because people had to vote for a winner. And the chicks involved were all attractive chicks. Looks aren’t really my thing, music is, so I was shocked when I won! We were flooded with emails and website messages of support. People were stopping me on the street saying that they saw the TV ad and voted for me. I was shocked! But what I loved more is that people were also talking about the music and how much they loved our stuff. And that really means something to me


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