• March 3, 2025


Side Out Interview


Side Out

Brett from Side Out answers my questions

1. how did the band form?

Side Out was originally formed by brothers Marcus & Marcelo
Crespilho with two others after there last band Absolute Confuzion broke
up. I (Brett Harrell) ended up joining as the bass player about a half
year later after leaving Brownie Points. Our drummer left about a year
after I joined and was replaced by our current drummer Danny Strong.

2. who has been your favourite band to play with?

We’ve gotten to play with some really cool bands, but I would
have to say Yellowcard rocked the most. They bring lots of energy and
enthusiasm to the stage.

3. who are your influnces?

We are influenced by many bands. To name a few, bands such as
Pennywise, Strung Out, Strike Anywhere and Thrice have played a major
part in influencing our writing. We all love metal too, so we try to
incorporate some of it our music as well.

4. who would you most like to play with?

I can’t speak for the rest of the band since we all put different
bands at the top of our “heroes” list, but I would love to share the
stage with Strung Out some day.

5. which bands have helped you out the most?

Just about every band we’ve played with has helped us in some
way. We’ve had some great times thanks to local bands, in and out of
Florida, who’ve hooked us up with great shows.

6. if your were allowed to play on the simpsons where would it be?
On top of Otto’s school bus for sure.

7. where has been your favourite venue to play?

Our home town has a venue called The Social. We’ve played some of
our best and funnest shows there. It definitely holds a place in our

8. what are you listening to at the moment?

This week I’ve been listening to a lot of Faith No More along
with the new Pennywise CD, In Flames, Atreyu and Quicksand.

9. what do you do to warm up before playing a gig?

Drink a couple beers of course.

10. any new releases in the pipeline?

We are currently writing and recording new songs. We hope to have
another album out this year, if not, sometime early next year. Of course,
we are looking for a label to help us release it.

Our latest album can be picked up a Interpunk.com. You can check
out the songs for free at www.mp3.com/sideout.


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