• March 3, 2025


Sekiden Interview



Simon Answers My Questions


1.how did the band form?

like all good bands we formed in high school

2.what were your major influnces?

back in the day we were influenced by local pop bands the melniks and biro

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they be?

ac/dc v.s. krafwerk
ramones main support

4. what music do you class yourselves as?

fast loud pop

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?

i will be in my thirties in ten years?

6. what has been your best gig you have played so far?

too hard to name one (too much beer and loud music….sorry!)

7. what made you want to go out and play music?

at first to have fun and then later so other people could have fun with us

8. if you could have a all star band who would the members be?

keith moon on drums (sorry mirko!)
kim deal on bass
malcom young on guitar
joey santiago on lead guitar
mark mothersbaugh on synths (sorry seja!)
joey ramone on vocals
i wouldn’t be in it i’d just stand at the back and look cool??

9. who would most like to record a song with?

can i put a few in here?
norman blake of teenage fanclub
giorgio moroder
daft punk (i think the results would be interesting…)

10. how was your tour in canada and the usa?

awsome they love rock music in north america…who would’ve thunk it?

11. hear lots of cool new bands?

yep i really liked
kiddo – from cleveland ohio
the winks – from vancouver
the cinch – from vancouver
the pets – from manitoba

thanks for your time any last words

thanks and take care of each other!!



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