• March 7, 2025


Sandrine Interview




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Interview With Sandrine By Chris 17/8/06

Sandrine is a great aussie singer songwriter and one of
my favourites
After releasing her fantastic debut album Trigger.
She leaves the label system and puts out her latest release
this year independently Dark Fades Into The
Which I hope does well for her as she is great. So Of
course I wanted to help spread the word.
So read on folks and get her new album which comes out on
the 19th of August.


1.How did you get into music?

I first started singing very young in the ‘family
band’. This was followed with piano lessons, and later
I had a few on guitar, but mostly just taught myself.

2.What were your major influences?

Initially my musical influences would have been church
hymns (this was a big part of early family life), and it
still creeps into my chord progressions with lots of major
and major seventh chords… but at some point I started
hearing all sorts of music, and because we weren’t allowed
to have non-Christian music in the house (my parents were
very strict and religious), it was really at friends houses
that I saw things like video hits, and heard pop music, so
I never owned any albums to obsess over. Just listened
furtively to little grabs of this and
that. Thankfully, I can say its given me my own sound,
rather than an obvious influence or a sound that reproduces
a favourite artist/band.

3. Were you happy how Trigger was received?

A lot of people seemed to like it.

4. What has been the highlight of your career so

I’ve had many cool moments, even a great show in front of
twenty people can beat playing for 80 000 (which I got to
do at Tropfest 2004).

5. Have you evolved as an artist since the last

I think I’ve given up on worrying how it will be received,
and now just make it because I like it. Which is a
much more enjoyable place to be.

6. What inspires you when writing music?

I just let the ideas and emotions flow freely.

7. Was it hard to go from a major label to doing it
yourself as independent artist?

It has its own challenges, such as remarkably reduced
budgets. That’s a difficulty, because making records costs
money, from recording through to manufacturing to getting
it the in record store. But aside from that, its
a hell of a lot easier not having to have ten meetings over
silly things such as which picture to choose for this and
that, and generally having to pander to a bunch of fairly
uncreative people (which is what most major labels are made
up of).

8. Why go overseas to record and write the

I just wanted to work with someone who had made the kind of
records I like, and learn something new.

9. Have you had much response from radio with the new

It’s getting more airplay outside of the major

10. Do you think idol is the downfall of the major

I think the majors are intent on making a fast buck, ie.
putting out singles for whoever is getting their face in
front of people on the television, guaranteeing some quick
sales, instead of building and nurturing long-term careers
with talented songwriters and performers who have artistic
and creative longevity, and will ultimately make them money
more slowly, but for a longer period of time.

11. Have you had much response from overseas

I am currently in discussions and showcasing for some
labels in New York.

12. How did the recording process go for the new

I came in at the beginning with a bunch of songs I liked,
and started writing more and more while we were recording,
and the new ones ended up taking precedence for the

13. Was it a different process than recording

Completely different method of capturing
performance. For Trigger, we recorded the music tracks
to a guide acoustic, and then I sang the vocals. For Dark
Fades Into the Light, the band all sat around the room and
we played and recorded live, and added a bit of
‘fairy-dust’ after. It was a much more real and
enjoyable way to make music.

14. Has MySpace helped with your music?

I’ve not been on it too long, but hopefully a few more
people will get to hear it.

15. Have you tried your luck overseas with your music

I live in New York now, and that’s what I’m doing.

16. Any plans to tour across Australia?

I just played Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and
Adelaide on the Mraz tour, and am hoping to come back and
tour again in October.

17. What is next for Sandrine?

Time will tell.


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