• March 3, 2025


Salem Interview



I should start out by saying that I’m Adam D’Zurilla and I sing for Salem
GVL, and

that some of my opinions and thoughts addressed here are not of the whole

band. How’s that for a public service announcment?!?!?! Anyway, here we


1.how did the band form?

1.) Salem gvl formed in August of 2002 by the remaining members of As

Friends Rust, including new guitarist Jeremy Robertson. Our first official

tour as Salem was with Shelter, Keepsake, and Running from Dharma. In

December of 2002 we were joined by a new drummer named Dave Miller who

played in every band I was in since I was 12 years old,and he was formerly

drumming for Glasseater

2.what were your major influnces?

2.) Everyone in the band has such a wide variety of influences, but on a

broad perspective a lot of melodic rock like coldplay, further seems

forever, sparta, interpol, foo fighters, pedro the lion, hot water music,

glassjaw, elliot, these are some of the collective favorites in the band

right now, cd’s that I have heard most often in the van. Oh yeah, and

unfortunantly Tatu, Joe’s new jam. These aren’t really bands that we have

set out to emulate though, and we have tried to bring a fresh perspective

the rock world in our own way, and I hope we will be able to do that.

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they be?

3.) Personally, my 3 band bill would be as follows: The Foo Fighters, The

Smiths, Coldplay

4. what music do you class yourselves as?

4.) I am not sure if I can answer that effectively. Melodic rock, sometimes

aggressive, sometimes abiant, lyrically introspective and theraputic? I

would rather people listen to our music and make their own assumptions.

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?

5.) In a van down by the river!!! Living off government cheese? I hope that

in 10 years we would have put out some good records and been on good tours,

and I hope that I can financially support myself. More importantly, I hope

that I am still enjoying playing music in 10 years, but I am sure I will.

Besides musically, I would like to have a nice house with some awesome kids,

my girlfriend Pam with a big rock on her finger and a smile, a garden with

koi pond, and a BBQ grill too. I have domesticated dreams, I just want to

grill hot dogs for the kids.

6. what has been your best gig you have played so far?

6.) As Salem, we had an awesome show at the House of Blues in Orlando while

on tour with Finch, From Autumn to Ashes, and Steel Train. Kids were so

into it and having fun, dancing, clapping along, just being silly, it was

much fun. We have a lot of good shows because we are always out to have

fun, but that I think everyone will agree that that was the most fun we have

had playing recently.

7. what made you want to go out and play music?

7.) My twin brother initially made me want to go out and play music. He’s

one of the most incredible musicians I know, and he wanted to start a band

when we were 12 or so, so I figured I would play bass because it only had

strings. He still inspires me to play music, and challenges my standards

what kind of musician I want to be. check out our old , kinda still around

band that he sang and played guitar in.

8. what your fav type of beer?

8.) Would I get punched for not saying Foster’s? Ok, that was cheesy. I

really like Irish beers, Guinness is great, Bass and Harp are good, and

Murphy’s Stout.

9. who would most like to record a song with?

9.) The Chris Martin of Coldplay, but doing something rocking, and Dave

Grohl on guitar and duel vocals, John Bonham on drums. That is so

unrealistic, but hey, if I could record with anyone….

10. do you think you ever make it aussie to play?

10.) When I was in As Friends Rust, it was talked about and I really really

want to go there, it would be such a new and different experience. I used

to surf quite a bit and I would love to check out the coasts there. The

sharks scare me though.

   My last words…… Thanks so much for the interview and
please go check

out www.mp3.com/salemgvl and listen
to the song, “Smoke and Mirrors” . We

start recording soon so look out for the first Salem GvL relase shortly.


Australia rocks, INXS forever!


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