Rya Meyers
Rya Meyers is a talented actor from America doing things and I liked what she was doing so an interview was a must so read on.
1. How did you get into acting?
I originally started acting when I was very young, because I wanted to be just like my big sister. I was in several school and community productions growing up, but I really fell in love with it in the middle of college. That is when I started taking it seriously, when I began taking acting classes and auditioning for various projects.
2. What has been the highlight so far?
That is an impossible question to answer! I am very lucky to have had so many incredible experiences over the years that keep me excited and motivated. Working with people whose work I really admire is definitely a highlight. I get to learn from them and see their brilliance in action. And one of my nieces had an opportunity to share with her class about a family member’s occupation and she chose me! The little victories when you feel like your family and friends are particularly supportive and proud of you – those are highlights for sure.
3. How do you prepare for a role?
Every role is different, but I start by doing research on everything I can find! I do research on the project (the producers, writers, director, casting director, other actors, etc.), the role (if it is based on a real person, occupation, hobbies, etc.), and basically anything even remotely connected to it. Then I break down the script and scenes and figure out how the character is me. I am lucky to have studied with several truly amazing acting coaches, and so I use a little bit of what I have learned from each of them to figure out how best to approach each role.
4. How do you memorize lines?
I read them over and over and over again. I try to read them out loud as well as in my head. Over and over and over. 🙂
5. Who would you most like to work with?
You ask some tough questions! There are SO many people I admire greatly in this business. Seth MacFarlane is definitely amongst those at the top of my list – it is just unreal how funny and talented that man is.
6. What is it like to work with Fred Olsen Ray?
Wonderful! He is absolutely lovely to take direction from on set. It is very inspiring to work with such an ambitious man!
7. What is next for yourself?
I currently have a web series out right now called L.A. Girls. It is a spoof/love letter to the HBO show Girls. You can watch it on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/LAGirlsShow
Also, I will be shooting another comedic web series called Winners that should come out sometime around October. And the second season of The Flip Side comes out this fall. I am also always studying in classes, writing projects, and looking for the next opportunity!
8. What does 2013 mean to you?
2013 means hard work and great success!
9. What would we find you listening to at the moment?
I have such an eclectic taste in music. I usually stick to the popular stuff on the radio, upbeat songs I can work out to, or the good stuff from when I was growing up. Right now, I’m loving Blurred Lines.
10. What have you seen recently you have enjoyed?
TED! 🙂 (and a whole lot of other stuff too…)