• January 24, 2025


Riley Pearce Interview


Riley Pearce


Photo by Tanya Voltchanskaya – Photographer

Riley Pearce is a talented singer songwriter from Australia worth checking out so read on.


1. For someone unfamiliar with your music, how would you describe your sound?

It’s heavily influenced by the places i’ve grown up, Holland, along the Yarra River in Melbourne, coastal Perth and snowy Montana. Put that mix together and it becomes an alternative-folk-pop type style. My music is usually written on an acoustic guitar but becomes more then just a singer/songwriter style of play. It’s driven by storytelling and raw emotion.

2. Tell us a little bit about your writing process. A peek inside your inner workings if you will?

When i actually dedicate a chunk of time to writing songs, It usually revolves around me sifting through the mounds of voice recordings in my phone then i’ll piece it together with something thats on my mind at the time. The music always comes before the lyrics, but the concept always has to fit the sound.

3. As far as breakout success is concerned, is it all about the strength of a song or does being in the right musical climate at the right time make all the difference?

I’m probably not the best person to ask about this but if you write great songs and work hard you place yourself in the best possible position to take advantage of opportunities that could lead to breakout success.

4. How important is social media to you in regards to engaging with an audience?

Very, its such a critical part of an artists career. Social media and having a solid, professional online presence is often a key way to building a fan base. I do think that artists pay too much attention to Facebook likes and should focus on releasing more interesting and compelling content to give their audience what they want and something to share.

5. What inspired you to take music more seriously?

I have always loved music and i didn’t want to regret the chances 10 years down the track. I got my degree and always have that to fall back on so i might as well follow my heart whilst i can. I’ve already had so many rewarding experiences with my music and i know that doesn’t often happen for people in 9 to 5 jobs so i count myself lucky.

6. What’s spinning on your playlist atm? Any guilty pleasures?

I’m in love with music from Leif Vollebekk at the moment, He’s a songwriter with so much passion in his songs who spent two years searching for the perfect take of his songs, travelling around and recording at heaps of different studios. As for guilty pleasures, well there’s an Australian artist called “Betty Who” who is a bit like a Katy Perry and yeh i have to admit i dig her songs, even if i won’t say that to my mates.

7. Are you a fan of keeping the album format alive or do you think there’s more benefit to release singles or EPs with the influence of streaming platforms arguably shortening attention spans?

I think for artists starting out that EPs and singles are both affordable and a great way of dipping your feet in. Committing to an album very early on in a career is a big risk to take. More mature artists yeh definitely albums. I want to hear all the songs that don’t make it on the albums too, i want the deluxe versions half the time! Albums are definitely not dead.

8. When not consumed with all things musical, what do you do tune out or reset?

Usually sport or the beach, i’m a massive fan of football and basketball and i live so close to the beach I’m often not far from there either. Especially seeing as Perth has 8 months of summer per year.

9. Your EP ‘We Are Fools’ is currently doing the rounds, what does the immediate future hold?

Writing loads of new material and putting a plan in place for EP number 2. I really want to put my best foot forward with this next release.

10. Lastly, Prince or Michael Jackson?

MJ. Mostly for the Black or White film clip. I’m still getting told off by my parents for playing music too loud.

‘We Are Fools’ EP out now. rileypearce.com.au


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