Photo by Garrett Jones
Quor is an exciting three piece who are releasing their new album Human Paradigm on the 1oth of September. I wanted to find out more from this amazing band this what they had to say.
1. What was the inspiration for the upcoming album?
Human Paradigm means a lot to the band and its creative journey. It follows the most personally creative expression and well-earned victory of the records completion. The album began with the concept of its name sake track, Human Paradigm. The song Human Paradigm contemplates the idea that we are all just irrelevant blips in the universe. We all strive to be something more, and yet most of us will fade into oblivion. Are we cut from the same program or can we change our fate and in effect change the path of our human kind, our human evolution?
2. How did the songwriting process go for the album?
The song writing for this record was very fluid. The songs just seemed to form naturally with very little hang ups in there completion. The pieces just fell into place. I’d say the most difficult part for me was learning to sing the parts while playing guitar. The track Guardian was a real brain buster in this regard. -Corn
3. What was the recording process like for the album?
We recorded the first single “Human Paradigm” out of town at Swagger Studios in Glendale, CA. We challenged ourselves to produce a song in one weekend from start to finish and Human Paradigm was the result. Our engineer Dan Whittemore invited us to “camp out” in the studio during the recording and we took it literally. I woke up Saturday morning with a slight disorientation from the night before and looked out of my tent to see four other tents inside a studio rehearsal room. There were lanterns, ice chests, and the remnants of bottles and paper plates upon a picnic bench. The whole studio was filled with the sounds of the drum and guitar tracks we had recorded the day before. It was 9:00 am and it was loud and it was fucking beautiful. The remaining Human Paradigm tracks where recorded at the famed Signature Sound Studios in San Diego, CA with engineer Christian Cummings.
4. Did you prepare for the recording process or what is it a case of see what happens in the studio?
We usually have a pretty good foundation for a song before we officially hit the studio with it. That foundation is inevitably challenged once a song gets put under the studio microscope. The band has become great at adapting to those situations in the studio and so far the process of recording has been a final solidifier of our songwriting. -Corn
5. How was the recording process different to earlier material?
For the first single track it was a challenge to the normal time it takes to get a great recording. We wanted to see if we could get a great track done in a weekend. We worked hard that weekend and had a great time doing it. It worked out well. That defined the attitude for the rest of the record. We really opened up to the process of recording and didn’t get caught up in fighting it. The record as a result feels very freeing. -Corn
6. What did you learn from recording the album that you will take away for future releases?
Keep your eye on the ball and don’t wrestle with the beast of recording a record. –Corn
7. Are you happy how things have gone so far for the band?
Yes! We are alive and doing what we are meant to do. It has been fucking humbling to see the support that is growing for this artwork we literally give our lives to create. -Corn
8. What buzz do you get out of playing live?
To me live playing is the physical manifestation of the art. It’s where you truly feel it. It’s where an artist and an audience get to share a moment with the music as the conduit. It’s alive and being alive. I loose myself on every stage and I find something new inside every time we play live, every time. –Corn If I could have sex and play live at the same time, I’d already be in heaven. –Smitty In response to Smitty’s answer, I would like to add that I believe he just described some kind of live porno show in Mexico somewhere. There is hope in his dream. -Corn
9. Do you have rituals before playing a show?
Somewhere along the line we started bowing at each other before a set and we close the set the same way. It’s something of a switch and a moment to respect what we’re doing. And, yes, there is some cheese in there for good measure. –Corn
10. Will see you play Australia soon?
Is that an invitation? -QUOR