• March 3, 2025





Jesse from Paulson answers my questions

1.how did the band form?

1.) We’ve all been kicking around in different bands together since high

In late 2001 it just happened that the project I (Jesse, guitar) was doing

with Alex (Bass) and Mike (Keyboards) broke up and Jeff came on as drummer.

After trying out a few singers we settled on Logan, whom Jeff, Alex and I

went to high school with.

2.what were your major influnces?

2.) I think it’s pretty diverse, which can be a source of tension. Bands

Milemarker, Ida, Sunny Day Estate, Peter Gabriel, At the Drive In. I hear

lot of Lake Trout and Smashing Pumpkins in the drumming and we pretty much

directly stole a lot of vocorder stuff from Trans Am.

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they be?

3.) I’ve always said a Paulson/Lake Trout/Rhapsody bill would be pretty


4. what music do you class yourselves as?

4.) We shy away from publicly classifying ourselves. It makes it easier for

to radically shift genres as trends wax and wane. I mean, what if we came

out as nu metal and then rockabilly got big? We’d buy Telecasters and roll

our jeans and people would say “Hey didn’t they use to dress in black and

wear face paint?” We keep it vague and mysterious so we can pretend to

always be on the cutting edge.

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?

5.) Pittsburgh.

6. what has been your best gig you have played so far?

6.) We’ve had a number of memorable gigs. We once drove 9 hours to open for

Milemarker and it was worth every minute. Warped Tour 2002 was fun.

7. what made you want to go out and play music?

7.) I had all this extra money just lying around I wanted to get rid of and

seemed like a good way to dispose of it with zero chance of any return.

8. what your fav type of beer?

8.) The free kind.

9. who would most like to record a song with?

9.) You mean producing or artist-wise? I think a Paulson/Missy Elliot

collaboration would shift units. Producing wise I’d love to work with Nigel

Godrich (Radiohead) or better yet, Timbaland.

10. do you think you ever make it aussie to play?

10.) If you’d like to have us, our guarantee is $40,000.

We have a new record coming out July 15th in the states. If you Australians

would like to check it out you can purchase or possibly steal it on the

(www.paulsonisaband.com). We
actually get a lot of orders from

Indonesia and from what I gather those people don’t even speak English; so

it’s fair to say everything we do has universal appeal and you will not be



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