• March 1, 2025


Paris Irwin Interview

Photo copyright respected holders provided by publicist

Paris Irwin is a soulful singer songwriter who strives to infatuate your soul with soaring harmonies, pulsating bass and lush lyricism. She has a new song coming out and I had to ask her all about it and this is what she had to say.


1. How did you get into music?

My Mum’s a classical musician and always made sure my music education was thorough so I’ve grown up around it my entire life. I’ve been writing music since I could talk so I’m lucky it’s just always been a constant passion of mine.

2. What inspired the new song?

The concept for this song started when my producer and I were just messing about in the studio and we came up with this really intoxicating, bass heavy beat. From there I started envisioning a scene of a couple breaking up. Two people sitting on the end of a bed and the girl wiping his tears from her face. From there the the narrative naturally formed.

3. How did 2020 help shape your music?

To be frank it didn’t. All 2020 did was make me grateful I was safe and wasn’t sick but frustrated I couldn’t go anywhere or travel for my career like I’d planned.

4. Are you happy how people have responded to the music?

It has been an indescribable feeling for people I don’t know to go out of their way and contact me to articulate how my music has effected them. It makes my heart explode.

5. What is the goal for the band in 2021?

To get this next single “Tendons” out and sell out my headline gig at Blackbear on the 24th of October, every grab a ticket let’s party!

6. How does a song start for you?

I’m obsessed with words so it’s usually because I stumble upon a word that I really like for some metaphorical or phonetic reason, and then from there it naturally fleshes out.

7. Do you write when you have inspiration or set time to write?

Honestly I can do either but usually if it’s on my own accord I never set a time to compose it just happens naturally.

8. What have you listened to recently that inspired you?

I have a super eclectic music taste but currently I’ve been loving Jaden Smith. The production in all of his songs is beyond brilliant.

9.How import is Spotify to you and getting on the right playlists?

It is unfortunately not only important but insanely helpful.

10. Do you think social media is more important than it’s ever been?

It is which is another shame because it makes me want to rip my hair out.

11. How important are video clips to you guys?

I think visual components to songs are incredibly helpful and have the capacity to not only give the song a new life but to allow the artist to show the track in a really specific way, which I my opinion is a gift.

12.  What has been your favourite show to date?

This is a hard one but probably the first headline gig I ever did at the Milkfactory in Brisbane. I sold out a Thursday night in just a couple days and it was my first experience of hearing the crowd scream my lyrics back to me, which was an invigorating feeling to say the least!


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