• March 12, 2025


The Owls


The Owls


The Owls are a great Aussie band doing good things. I liked what I heard and their new song which is just down below. If you dig it, go see them them live when on tour.


Catch The Owls live:

Thursday, 27th of March – Forresters, Surry Hills, NSW
Sunday, 6th of April – Frankies Pizza, Sydney, NSW
Friday, 11th of April – Captain Cook Hotel, Paddington, NSW
Thursday, 17th of April – Howler, Melbourne, VIC
Saturday, 19th of April – The Lass O’Gowrie Hotel, Newcastle, NSW
Friday, 23rd of May – Great Northern Hotel, Byron Bay, NSW
Saturday, 24th of May – The Bearded Lady, Brisbane, QLD


1. Are you happy how things have gone for you so far?
I don’t think we are ever truly “happy”. I think it is all a bit of a roller coaster ride really. I think always striving to be better whether that be with writing or live performance should be the main emphasis rather than being “Happy”…..

2. What inspires you when writing music?
I don’t really have a set thing that makes me wanna write. I go through phases. Sometimes I can go months where I don’t want to write anything and then there are times when I can’t stop. Its all about what is going on in my life at the time I guess..

3. What is your latest song about?
Krakow was a song written when I was over in Europe. It was my first overseas trip and thought I would write about how rad it was.

4.What do you like about touring?
I guess I like playing at different venues. Its always good being on different stages in front of different people. A good way to meet new people and new bands.

5. How important to you is touring regional alongside touring the cities?
Being from a regional area I’d have to say we don’t tour regionally that much… I think it is important but I can’t really comment much on this cause we don’t do it….

6. What has been your favorite show to date?
There has been a few but I think recently playing before a Queens Of The Stone Age DJ set definitely was up there.
Playing in front of a charged up capacity crowd was pretty sweet.

7.How does social media help you as an artist?
A moderate amount. I think it helps letting people know where we are playing next..
We probably don’t saturate as much as we probably should. I think we care more of doing band shit rather than being “online”.

8. How important is connecting with your fans?
“Fans” is a word that I am not sure we’d use….
At shows if a person comes up and lets me know that they liked the show I will always take the time to say thank you and have a quick chat. They obviously have taken 5 mins out of their time to say something to you so I think it’s important to return the courtesy.
That applies to the same thing online.

9. If you could have any body in a video clip who would it be?
Don’t know, maybe Brad Pitt to replace our drummer (Wez) and see if anyone can spot the difference. He gets that a lot every time we tour somewhere. Lol.

10. What’s your favorite venue to play at?
At the moment, probably The Great Northern, Byron Bay. Best sound, great crowd

11.What does 2014 have in store for the band?
I don’t know… The same as 2013, The Owls keep writing tunes and
Performing rad live shows and more people realize that we are a good Rock and Roll band


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