Nicola Brown
Nicola Brown is a fantastic singer songwriter, bright future from the UK and this what she had to say.
1. How did did you get into music?
I was about 4 when I started really loving Michael Jackson and from there, I went on to explore different genres. By the age of 14, I had my first guitar and began gigging and organizing my own tours.
2. What has been the highlight so far?
I absolutely love gigging with my band, it makes you feel like all your hard work is paying off and you can finally hear your songs in full swing.
3. What was the inspiration behind the new song?
My EP, is based around the idea of coming of age, as I started writing it at the age of 14. I feel like it completely describes my life up until 2015. It will be released in February.
4. What inspires you when writing music?
Any big event will trigger a song. I feel the only time I am not writing music is when everything in my life is going smoothly (which is not very often lol).
5. Do you have moments where you just can’t write and need to focus on something else for a while?
Writers block is definitely a thing, but I think using different instruments to write material is a must in these situations. You need to get your mind stimulated and it won’t happen using that same guitar in your bedroom. I recently went home for Christmas, and found my boyfriends old guitar from when he was 8 years old. The minute I picked it up a song just came out of thin air. It was magical!
6. Who have you enjoyed playing with recently?
Growing up, I listened to a lot of Nizlopi and always said that it would be an absolute dream to support him at a gig. A couple of years ago this actually happened!! I think this would have to be my biggest achievement yet.
7. What it is the scene like where you are from?
The town I grew up in is the seaside town of Bournemouth and it is very music orientated. As a teenager I would be going to gigs most weekends and spending my Friday nights down the beach. I now live in the outskirts of London and it very different. The music is more diverse and experimental, I love it!
8. How has social networking helped your music?
Social network has helped me reach out to fans on a more personal level. It also lets me see who is listening to my music and where which allows me to market my music to the effective areas.
9. What advice could you give to some one wanting to give a career in a music a shot?
Don’t think twice just do it! Chances are you will be much happier doing something you love then doing something that is academically pleasing to your friends and family. I had to make these choices a few years ago, and all I did was ask myself what makes me happy and I found my answer.
10. Who would you most like to work with or play with?
Amy Winehouse.
11. What is next for yourself?
I am currently working on my next album, and I have a few more songs to write yet. Once this is released I would like to tour outside of the U.K.