Luna Vexa is a talented Australian musician who will launch her stunning debut album “King of Eve” at the Prince Bandroom in St Kilda on Friday June 25. I had to interview her about it all and this what she had to say.
- What inspired your album King of Eve?
It was a lot of my life experiences that inspired my album – the illness I was dealing with at the time, love, lust and heartbreak falling for the wrong person. I felt a lot of pent up emotions in regards to my career, and wanted to write some motivational tracks about fighting for your dreams and winning when the odds are against you in every way!
2. What was the recording process for the album like?
It was very long! I flew to Brisbane from Melbourne and we got to work straight away. I was up there for about a month, I really loved the trip.
All my songs were pre-written so we started by building cool beats around my vocals, then after I was happy with the way it turned out it was time for me to record vocals.
I remember being in there for like 12 hour days just doing harmonies sometimes! Especially remember dreaming, that day was intense. A lot of effort went into it and I’m very happy with my performances.
3. How will it feel playing the Prince of Wales for your album launch?
It feels surreal! It’s been a dream of mine to play at the Prince, so I think I’ll feel a rush of emotions before getting on stage. Euphoria, excitement, nervous, joyful … I’m ready for it all!
4. How does a song start for you?
I’ll usually start with writing lyrics, sometimes I’ll mumble a melody first but I find it easier to work with a feeling or vibe. I’ll add chords onto the piano sometimes, other times I’ll get a beat made first so it can fire me up and inspire whatever comes out of me!
5. Did your experiences on the street help fuel the fire for your music?
Yeah definitely. I think all my life experiences have. Not having a place to live at 19 and couch hopping was rough to say the least. Looking back I’ve come a long way since then.
6. Do you sit down to write or when you get inspired?
A little bit of both. I try to scribble down any ideas in my phone during the day but I’m definitely a night owl! All the ideas come to me just before I’m about to fall asleep… so I haven’t slept in five years. Ha!
7. How do look after your voice?
Warm ups! I always warm up for at least 10 minutes before a rehearsal or show. I also drink heaps of water. It actually takes 20 minutes for water to hit your vocal chords so I make sure I’m drinking throughout the day if I know I’m going to be singing.
I don’t do anything extra like drink five cups of tea, but warm drinks can be soothing if you need it.
Good technique triumphs all – if you don’t know how to sing properly without straining and pushing, no amount of tea with lemon can save you!
8. How important is social media to you?
It’s very important to build a brand. I definitely need constant breaks from it though. I do post a lot, but I love being off my phone so it’s tricky.
9. What inspires your video clips?
I will listen to my song over and over again, usually I’ll visualise and play out scenes like a Hollywood movie in my head. I’ll brain dump ideas onto my notebooks and think of all the ways I can incorporate my ideas with the deeper meaning of the song.
10. What do you hope the rest of 2021 has in store for you?
Really hoping COVID goes away… ha! I’m looking at releasing new singles if touring isn’t on the cards. But open to it all.