• February 24, 2025


Lowry Interview




Picture copyright respected holders.

Interview With Alexander Lowry By Chris

Lowry Rocks. He plays Rock / Indie Rock / Folk Rock
His music is so good. After I heard his stuff on Soundclick
I was hooked
I had to interview him so I did.
He has a album coming out soon called Awful Joy.


1. Why did you decide to become a musician?

I wanted to get laid every night.

2. Who were your idols growing up?

My idols were Rick Ocasik from the Cars, Paul Simon, Spider
Man, The Incredible Hulk, David Hassellhoff when he was
Knight Rider, Luke Skywalker and Benny Hill.

3. Who were your influnces?

My influences were my father (who helped me to understand
guitar) and just about anything that piped out of the
radio. It’s impossible to ignore the early jazz people as
well as personalities like Jim Morrison and Paul Simon.
Other influences included pot, cocaine, mushrooms and
heroine. .. all of which can be found in traces within a
sample of my sideburn hair.

4. What has the responce been to the music on

Soundclick was a helpful, easy tool to let people here
demos of new material that I’ve been working on. It
required very little help to get the site up and functioned
very well in allowing other musicians in NYC to quickly
hear my material without my having togo to the trouble of
getting them a physical demo of the material. It’s no
substitute for a real functioning website (which I now
have: lowrymusic.com), but it is certainly a way for new
musicians to get their material out to a global audience,
especially in a music world ruled by a few thugs in NYC and
LA that have lockedup the possibility ofany new musical
creativity being releasedon the planet.

5. What is it like playing live?

Playing live is the most fun you can have with your clothes

6. Has the Internet helped with your music?

I say let it happen. People will still buy albums that they
really want and listen to them all the way through.
Musicians make their money playing live these days anyway.
So the more people that hear their music, the more people
at their shows.

7. What is your view on file sharing and the MP3

I don’t know whether or not the internet has helped my
music, it hasn’t helped my pocketbook yet.

8. Have you had much responce from labels

My new record was just printed 3 weeks ago so there hasn’t
been much time for labels anywhere to hear it. This is just
my 3rd record and my first solo record, so the verdict is
still out on whether any one will actually enjoy it.

9. If you could work with any one who would it

Jon Brion

10. How did the recording process for the new album

The recording process was long and arduous. We spent hours
upon hours with the material trying to make something that
wasnot just full of good music, but was interesting to
listen to. Mostly, we drank heavily.

11. What are your thoughts on realty tv talent shows eg
American Idol?


12. So any chance of coming down under to

Certainly, I would dig Australia.I’m partial to outcast
countries. And I play a mean didjereedoo

13. If you could have a dream gig line up who would they

Dream Line-Up: Lowry, Ween, Medeski Martin Wood, Talking
Heads, Eddie Murphy (only doing one song-“my girl likes to
party all the time”)and Willie Nelson. . . Live in Las
Vegas with show girls, fireworks and white tigers running
all over the place.

14. Who has helped you out the most?

There hasn’t been much help along the way. The only thing
that keeps me on track is the fear that if I weren’t a
musician, I might be selling insurance or something.

15. If you could be on The Simpsons or Spongebob
Squarepants where would you be?

Definitely Spongebob. . .not even a doubt.

16. What is on your stereo at the moment?

Leo Kotke

17. What are some of your favourite musicial

That will forever be the most difficult question to answer,
so I’m going to skip it with the best of intentions.

18. What movies you have seen lately you have really

Last good movie was “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”
and Shawshank Rejection.

19 What are your favourite movies?

Don’t know favorite movie either, I guess I suck at picking

20. Realty TV? Good Or Bad?

Reality TV is for people working in insurance.

Last words: Defend Brooklyn.

Thanks To Lowry for doing the interview and check out
his album when it comes out


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