I adore what Lauren Jenkins does. Her debut album No Saint is truly something special. Lauren has a fine voice and the songs to match. It’s a refreshing country album that delivers with heart and passion. Give Up The Ghost opens the album with a cracking tune that shows off her vocals and songwriting. Song’s like Maker’s Mark And You shows off how amazing her voice is and how good sh with lyrics. Cadillac is another winner of song which more of a balladry type tune that gives off energy and heart. My Bar feels like a country rock tune that makes you wanna dance and crank it real loud. Energy is there. Blood is a song that could be the song that every one will want request at shows. It’s well written and well structured.
I am not much of a reviewer but I have been a fan of Lauren ever since I saw her in Deadline the movie. I knew then there was something special about her and have been supporting her ever since. This is an album by an artist who taken the time to put out something that will be cherished for years to come. It’s well produced and performed. It’s just good country music that has everything going for it. Lauren is a hard working musician and with an album like this. Her future is set in stone.