• March 31, 2025


Kate Martin Interview


Kate Martin

Kintsukuroi - Promo (Web)

I adore Kate Martin,  I think she is a fantastic singer songwriter, with incredible tunes. To me she has something special going on and I for one is a fan. Set My Life To Fire her third album to be released this year and her new song Kintsukuroi out now this is what she had to say when I asked her these questions.



1. Why go to los angels to write and record?

I wanted to know what it would be like, if the experience would be different to Australia and it was! There is much to be gained from working OS.

2. How did being in America help inspire the music?

LA was confronting and bombastic at times, but I like that. The unfamiliarity was a source of inspiration for me. Also being abroad is inspiring regardless!

3. Had you already had the music planned out or was it a case of wait and see what happens in the studio?

I had some ideas I could have used but ultimately I wanted to push myself by going in with nothing. I wanted to see what would happen if I didn’t have any preconceived ideas of what would it should happen.

4. Has your songwriting changed from when you were starting out?

My writing and sound has developed over the years naturally. It’s always bound to happen. Unless you’re deliberately sticking to a formula which I definitely wasn’t haha. Not for this album especially. I just knew I wanted to make something that sounded big.

5. What inspires you now as a songwriter?

People and certain environments inspire me a lot. All the obvious things. Actually what I’ve found inspires me the most is flying on planes at night time. I think being in the air changes my perspective on everything. For some reason ideas always start flowing maybe because it’s such a cozy, insulated environment.

6. Do you have moments where you just can write?

Definitely! I’m slowly training myself to try and be more prolific by creating a ‘no pressure tinkering environment’ instead of setting out to ‘write a great song’. That’s when the best results generally happen.

7. Who would you most like to work with?

Too many people to name!

8. What does the rest of 2016 have in store?

I’m releasing my 3rd album it’s called ‘Set My Life To Fire’. I also have my first set of shows booked for May 26 at Brighton Up bar and June 10 at The Workers Club. I can’t wait to start playing shows again.

9. How important is social media to you and how do you find the balance of plugging your stuff vs posting random stuff to keep your fans engaged?

It’s think it’s important for everyone to see the real you. No ones wants to see promo 100% of the time. Social media plays a role in basically every musicians career, whether you like it or not it’s still important! In a slightly different note, my manager just taught me how to pre schedule a Facebook post. Changed my life forever!



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