• February 23, 2025


Jordanna Gross Interview

Photo provided by Jordanna

Jordanna Gross was in that famous magazine and knew I had to interview. I put her up on my wanted list. She saw and the rest is history. Here is what she had to say.

  1. How has your life changed since doing Playboy?

It hasn’t changed all too much. I’ve been getting more friend requests on myspace and
facebook, from people who I guess must have seen the issue and searched
for me. At Florida State, a few people have recognized me. It usually
catches me off guard, but it’s flattering.

  1. Why pose for in Playboy?

I love Playboy and think it’s very classy. I wouldn’t pose for any other men’s magazine.

  1. How did your parents respond to you being in Playboy?

They were both really excited-my dad won’t look at it though, of course.

  1. Was it fun doing the photo shot?

It was so much fun doing the shoot. I was really nervous but everyone was really professional and really cool. I loved doing it and I loved everyone I got to work with.

  1. How have people responded when you tell them your in Playboy?

I usually don’t tell people unless it comes up; I feel like I’m bragging
if I bring it up randomly. My friends usually are the ones who bring it
up. I’ll have just been introduced to someone and then a friend will go
“yeah, and did you know she was in playboy??” and usually it’s pretty
embarrassing because I am in like a baseball hat and tshirt with no
makeup on and I feel like people don’t believe me. People typically
think it’s pretty cool though.

  1. Have you learnt a lot doing your degree?

Not really. Florida State isn’t exactly known for its academics…I actually have recently left
and moved to LA. I’ve taken a few classes that have taught me a lot,
but for the most part it doesn’t exactly have the most challenging

  1. What do you want to get out of your degree?

well, the question is…will I ever GET a degree lol

  1. What would you most like to do after finishing your degree?

see above

  1. Any plans to do more Modelling?

definitely. hopefully more with playboy. we’ll see!

  1. Do you hope to get more stuff after being in Playboy?

I hope so. Playboy was a great opportunity and hopefully more opportunities will
come out of it.

  1. What are some of your favourite movies?

I love Rent. I also really like Closer. I’m not one for really girly movies, I like movies that
are a little bit twisted like Closer, and I really like horror movies.

  1. What movies that you have seen recently you have really enjoyed?

I haven’t really seen any movies recently. I saw United 93 in theatres
the other day, and that was really touching. I don’t know if I can say
I “enjoyed” it, it was really upsetting, but I’m glad I saw it.

  1. What are some of your favourite musical artists?

Right now I’m really loving She Wants Revenge. I like pretty much everything though,
people think my taste in music is a little weird because I literally
like pretty much everything.

  1. What would we find on Jordanna Gross stereo at the moment?

probably the Rent soundtrack haha. I listen to it all the time and sing along really loud when I’m bored in my car sitting in traffic or whatever.

  1. Would you ever like to travel overseas?

I have travelled overseas before. I studied abroad in Prague for 6 weeks and we went all over the Czech republic, Poland, and Italy. It was a great experience and I hope I get to go back to Europe sometime soon. I want to go to Asia and Africa as well.

  1. What is next for Jordanna Gross?

Your guess is as good as mine!


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