• February 23, 2025


Jade Aliera Interview


Jade Aliera

Interview With Jade Aliera By Chris

1. Why did you decide to become a model?

1. I love the industry always have and thought id give it ago while im still young

2. Why did you decide to enter FHM Girl Next Door Competition?

2 I entered the fhm comp because i thought it’d be a great experience and I have never done anything like it before

3. What do you hope to get out of it?

3 hopefully id get some more modelling work out of doing the comp make some new friends and become an fhm star

4. Have you had to do promotion for it?

4 I have just finished some promo work for the comp at loft nightclub and icon bar in Melbourne which was fantastic

5. Has that opened up a lot of doors?

5 it hasn’t opened any doors for me yet but hopefully it will

6. Do you hope the competition will help & open up some doors?

6 I definitely hope the comp will open doors for me but the competitions tough have to wait and see

7. Have you had any bad feedback?

7 I haven’t had any bad feedback as yet some times a little constructive criticism is a good thing though

8. Who would you most like to work with?

8 id probably like to work with Imogen bailey I think she’s gorgeous and we’d really compliment each other in a shot

9. Which models do you look up to?

9 I definitely look up to Elle McPherson she’s an aussie girl that’s had and still has a fantastic career

10. Were you suprised when you got in the top 100?

10 yeah I was really surprised when I made the top 100 i had no idea one of my friends actually told me!!!! I was shaking with excitement all the girls are gorgeous that made the top 100 well done FHM

11. Would you go overseas to further your career?

11 I would definitely go overseas to further my modelling career

12. What kinda shoot would most not do?

12 I wouldn’t do a shoot that required me to be visibly naked

13. If you could be in a music video who’s would it be?

13 id have to say id love to be in a usher film clip there always classy sexy and fun

14. Who has helped you out the most?

14 support from my family and friends has helped me out the most I think it really important in the modelling industry to have some one you can trust

15. If you could be on The Simpsons or Spongebob Squarepants where would you be?

15 the Simpsons I still love them

16. What is on your stereo at the moment?

16 TV rock flaunt it and come with me the llorca remix by alexkid

17. What are some of your favourite musicial artists/bands?

17 I like all different types of music but Mariah Carey my fav artist she rocks

18. What movies you have seen lately you have really enjoyed?

18 I really enjoyed the new underworld movie Kate Beckinsale kick ass

19 What are your favourite movies?

19 my favourite movie would have to be gone in 60 seconds I also like watching van dame movies

20. Realty TV? Good Or Bad?

20 I don’t know about reality TV I guess its a good thing for peoples careers but two much of one thing isn’t

thanks again chris


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