• March 9, 2025


Holley Maher Interview


Holley Maher

Photography by Ariel Renae

Holley Maher is a talented singer songwriter from Nashville in America , who music I discovered and really enjoyed. Thought she was worth interviewing. Read on and find out why I think she is great.


1. How did did you get into music?

I was always surrounded by music. I think I just sort of fell into it like you fall into speaking English. My parents always had music playing in the house. My mom’s parents were in a bluegrass band and my dad’s mother was an opera singer. Both of my parents had polar opposite tastes in music, which I guess exposed me to a variety of styles. I also grew up dancing, which exposed me to tons more. I started playing piano in middle school, got interested in musical theater in junior high, and wrote my first song when I was probably about 16. It was terrible. But I was hooked.

2. What was the inspiration for your latest release?

My latest release was a single called “Perfect Day” that came out around Valentine’s Day. I wrote it for a friend who was getting married, and this June, I got to sing it at their wedding. It was really special– and now, it’s been used in probably hundreds of other couples’ wedding day films all around the world. It’s incredible to see a song travel so far in less than a year.

3. How was the recording process different to your previous releases?

It was very similar, actually. I recorded “Perfect Day” with the same producer who worked with me on my debut EP, “Odd Place To Be.” His name is Thomas Doeve and he’s crazy-talented. It was so great to get back into the studio with him for the single. I guess the only main difference was that we did it much faster– probably in about 2 days.

4. What has been your favorite show to date?

Oh, man, that’s a hard question. Playing the Bluebird Cafe here in Nashville is always fun– it’s such a legendary place full of so much history. But, still, I think the Bluebird comes in second to a free outdoor concert series that we have here in Nashville called Musician’s Corner. One of my sets there — I can’t remember when it was now — was just so much fun. Usually, I have a bit of stage fright. But for whatever reason, I just completely let go and it was kind of magical.

5. How did get such good response from the radio station Lightning 100 help you as an artist?

Lightning 100 is just special like that. They’re an independent station that really takes pride in supporting local artists. I just sent them a copy of my record, and they liked it! I consider myself very lucky to have such a great station in my area.

6. What is the scene like where you live?

The scene is incredible. There are dozens of music venues willing to support local artists, and shows pretty much any night of the week. The level of talent here is just mind blowing, which is kind of a double-edged sword as an artist. There’s a lot of competition, but that also makes for really great motivation. I think the desire to improve never rests around here.

7. How does social networking help you as an artist?

I think that, if not for social networking, I’m not sure that many artists nowadays would have much of a career. It’s obviously a huge help in spreading the word and making new connections, but for me, I think the greatest thing about it is that I can interact with my listeners one-on-one. I don’t have to rely solely on my album cover or the look of my website to relay exactly who I am as a person, because my listeners get to “hear my voice,” so to speak, all the time.

8. How do you think connecting with your fans helps you as an artist?

I think it’s really important for fans to “know” the artists that they’re listening to. My music is just one part of me (albeit, a very big part), but it provides a limited view of what I’m all about, so to speak. I think that knowing more about the artists you love — their interests, their hobbies, and the causes that they’re passionate about — makes your connection to their music that much deeper.

9. What is next for yourself?

There are a lot of coils and cogs in motion right now. I’m currently writing for my next project, which I’m so excited to start recording. I’m obsessed with the idea of making this a project that pushes me further than I’ve gone before, and so far, it’s been really taxing but incredibly rewarding, which I think is a good sign.

10. How do you find being an independent artist?

It’s the only thing in the world that I could imagine myself doing. I love every crazy, frustrating, incredible second of it.


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