• January 12, 2025


Hilary Kennedy Interview


Hilary Kennedy


Hilary Kennedy is a incredibly talented and beautiful TV Host from America. I had interviewed her a few years back and we connected again and thought an another interview was a must. She has a book out called Career Diary of a TV Host which is thirty days behind the scenes with her. It’s an interesting read. She happends to be a real sweetheart, appreciated me keeping in touch with her all these years. This talented lady is going places.


1.  What inspired you to put a book out?

I have always enjoyed writing, and there isn’t much out there for aspiring TV hosts to study or read about regarding this career.  I find it helpful to read about the day to day tasks of people who have careers I admire, and I thought my experiences might help other hosts who are beginning their journey or testing the waters.

2.  Are you happy how it has been received?

I’ve been very pleased with the wonderful emails and letters I’ve received about the book.  There are lots of resources out there for anchors or actors, but it’s nice when I get an email from someone who wants to host and they say the book inspired them to choose this path.  One girl who wrote to me for advice was featured in the Harvard Business Review and sent a lovely thank you for the advice and encouragement.  Writing a book can open doors to wonderful and unlikely friendships!

3.  What has the been the highlight recently?

The highlight for me recently has been working in live television.  I love the energy and unpredictability of a live interview or demonstration.  I use a lot of technology during live broadcasts with my iPhone and iPad, and iPhone Life magazine featured my job in their summer issue, which was very cool.

4.  How is hosting different for you to acting?

Though I always enjoyed acting, hosting has come more naturally because I’m paid to just be “me”.  I like connecting to other people as myself, and I learn so much from the guests I get to interact with.

5.  How do you prepare for something your hosting?

I like to do as much research as I can if it’s a celebrity guest interview or I’m trying something for the first time that I know nothing about.  If time doesn’t allow much research, or it’s a red carpet event when I don’t know for certain who will be there, I like to come up with spontaneous questions that I think viewers at home are probably wondering.

6.  How does social networking help you?

Social networking has really changed how everyone in entertainment operates.  I love being able to Instagram photos from a set or red carpet and share with people up-to-the-minute information.  It always gives me a way to start a conversation with people and find out what they really want to know or see on television.

7.  Who has been your favorite person to interview?

My favorite interview so far this year has been Linda Gray, who plays Sue Ellen Ewing on the television series “Dallas”.  She was not only fun and full of energy, but was kind enough to take photos with our audience and our crew afterwards.

8.  Have you had any problems with interviewing somebody?

Hmmm….I once had an interview freeze up completely.  He couldn’t answer any of my questions and was terrified when we went live.  I just ad-libbed a few things and we cut to break as soon as possible.  I felt for him, because live TV isn’t for everyone.  Pauly Shore was a funny interview because he kept getting out of his chair and wandering around.  You just roll with it as much as you can when odd things happen.

9.  What is your opinion on celebrity bloggers and celebrity gossip websites?

I personally love celebrity bloggers and what they bring to the table, but I do feel that some of them have become cyber bullies, which I don’t agree with.  Every human being has feelings, so you can state your opinion on celebrity choices in a way that still has journalistic integrity or lightheartedness.  I don’t think tearing people down is ever entertaining.

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10.  How did it feel to win an Emmy?

It was a great night when I found out I won the Emmy.  I was in a friend’s wedding that evening, so I missed the awards ceremony.  I was just happy to finally win something that wasn’t a second place ribbon at 4th grade field day.  🙂

11.  If you could be in anybody video clip who would it be?

I’d love to interview Robert Downey Jr.-I think he’s truly one of the most talented actors of our generation.  I’ve loved him since “Soap Dish”.  (Or interviewing YOU, Chris!)

12.  What would we find you listening to at the moment?

I love Justin Timberlake’s new album.  I also can’t get enough Alicia Keys.

13.  What have you seen recently that you have enjoyed?

I loved Iron Man 3 in 3D.  That movie made me excited about action films again.  I also loved “Warm Bodies” with Aussie Teresa Palmer.  It was hilarious!

14.  How do you keep looking so beautiful and such good shape?

You are so nice to say that!  I try to work out a few days a week, and mix things up.  I take a lot of classes so I will be shamed into finishing the full hour.  Yoga, weight-training classes, and pilates are my favorites.  I also enjoy a good two-mile run when the weather is nice outdoors.

15.  What next for yourself?

I hope to continue working in television-I love entertainment and style reporting.  And celebrity interviews aren’t a bad way to make a living, either!

16.  What does 2013 mean to you?

This year I want to focus on keeping “the main thing the main thing”.  I’ve tried hosting lots of different programs for all kinds of clients, and this year my focus is really on entertainment.

17.  What advice could you give to some one wanting a career in the entertainment industry?

I think anyone who wants to be in entertainment should be prepared to invest in their career.  You’ll need to invest time, money, and invest in relationships with the people you work with.  No one does it alone.
Help the people around you get what they want, and they will help you get what you want.  Make your career a team effort with the wonderful people around you.


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