• March 11, 2025


Guttermouth Interview




Guttermouth are touring Aussie again and still going strong. Mark answered my questions, so read on and go see them live.


1. What has happened to you in the last few years has that inspired you with new songs?

1. well its about fucking time I got off my ass and did what a musicians suppose to do. I’ve already been lumped in with the 90’s bands and I don’t want to be lumped in with the 70’s bands who just tour greatest hits albums over and over. That sounds like double jeopardy to me. As far as inspiration goes I have never stopped writing I just haven’t been recording. Recording felt like washing your clothes on a flat rock in a river bed to me. But now my electrity is back on I can wash my clothes and dishes AND plug the old 4 track back in. All i need now is to pay the gas man and I can make a cup of tea cook and some maggie noodles while I write. As your all know i sneeze hits so we have we have two and a half boxes empty of cleanex and a gaggle of great songs waiting to be recorded.

2. Do you think playing shows and touring fuels the fire?

2. Where there’s smoke there’s fire! In case of fire break glass and call 000!!!

3. What does Australia mean to the band?

3. Well its home for Alex but its a home away from home for the rest of us. Especially myself. The amount of life long friends made over the years has been life changing and can only happen in a country like yours. Which I wish was mine… America blows right now. And as I’ve said before I’d turn in my passport in a second!! Maybe someone will marry me for citizenship (wink wink).

4. Will we any new releases from you guys in the future?

4. YES.

5. A lot of bands are doing the classic album tour, would you guys ever do that? (Huge fan of Teri Yakimoto)

5. I can’t rule it out, I’d try anything once. Its tough when you have 10 records though. Unless we play for a week straight in every city.

6. If you could do things differently would you?

6. No I wouldn’t do anything differently i’m coming to Australia for my 18th time!! How many bands can say that. See you next week!!


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