• March 4, 2025


Fallen Year Interview


Fallen Year

Fallen Year

Pictures Copyright Respected Holders

Interview With Adam From Fallen Year

Fallen Year

1.how did the band form?

adam: matt and i were in bands together when we were
younger and paul was in this band called “dilan dog” and
eventually i was asked to drum for them. dilan dog was a
pretty big name locally so i was so pumped about the idea.
then our bass player left so matt was called in because i
played in bands with him and knew he was a good guy and
could pull his own weight… so the three of we’re in
“dilan dog” together with a variety of fourth members
(second guitarists) including erik hughes from “moneen”…
eventually we changed the name to “fallenyear” because we
wanted a fresh start taking ourselves away form the old
days of “dilan dog”. now we’re the three ugly guys you see
us as today.

2.what band made you want to go out and play

adam: for me personally, it was a bunch of bands. it
started out as bands like green day to start playing drums
and stuff but it was when i saw really good local shows
where the bands were going nuts to get me in bands and
playing live. i could list the bands but they are all
either very local or not around anymore. but to label it as
one band would be wrong, it was a combination of so many
things around me that made me want to play music.

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they

adam: including us? i would personally choose… coldplay,
at the drive-in (r.i.p.), fallenyear
NOT including us… i would choose coldplay, at the
drive-in, brand new

4. what music do you class yourselves as?

adam: it’s hard to label ourselves as something. usually
when we do interviews and stuff the interviewer likes to
use words like “emo”, “punk”, “melodic”, “techy”… so i
would say a mixture of all of those. that makes no sense
but that’s about as good as i can get when labelling our
music. sorry man. haha

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?

adam: hopefully still playing as a band continuing to tour.
hopefully covering more continents and different places in
general. but to use a comment in the words of “mitch
where do we see ourselves in 10 years?
celebrating the 10 year anniversary of you asking us this

6. what has been your best gig you have played so

adam: there’s been a lot of great ones. i know it’s not
considered one show exactly but our tour in the eastern
coast of canada with our best friends “moneen” was so much
fun. going on ferry rides and playing shows to amazing
crowds and just being able to spend that much time with
your friends is always amazing… so i would pick any show
on that moneen tour.

7. if you were on the simpsons where would it

adam: if we could play in any place in the simpsons, i
would choose moe’s tavern. being able to say we shared the
stage with “aerosmith” would be amazing… and hopefully
mrs. krabapple would steal my drumsticks and make me get
them from her in sexual ways… mm mm mm

8. what your fav type of soft drink?

adam: wow, weird! i don’t drink diet pop anymore because of
aspertame but i would choose mountain dew. gotta do the
dew. that stuff lowers your sperm count so much i heard.

9. who would most like to record a song with?

adam: coldplay is my favourite band in the world and i
really idolize them as musicians. being able to recorda
song with them and having chris martin sing on a track i am
on as well would be a huge honour and totally unreal.

10. what is your favourite movie?

adam: i was having a talk about this with my sister tonight
and how i should categorize my favourite movies instead of
having a general top 5… it’s so tough but i guess “that
thing you do” or “frequency” or “the blair witch project”
or “old school” or “almost famous” or “memento” or a
billion others. see? sorry

adam nimmo – caldwell bookings <> fallenyear


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