• March 10, 2025


Embody Your Voice: The Yoga of Sound my friend Destiny Love Udemy course



My amazing friend Destiny Love has  released a Udemy course and I wanted to give it some exposure for her. This is what it will be about and a little bit 0f info on the course.

She is offer you $65 off the course price until Jan. 2… (you’ll pay only $20) So if it interests you please click this link


Embody Your Voice: The Yoga of Sound
Clear Energetic Stagnation and Open Your Creative Channel of Expression Through Self Sound Healing and Ancient Nada Yoga


Ultimately, this is a Life Mastery Course, where you will be gaining the practical skills of utilizing the powers within your body and VOICE to open your channel of creative expression. This course is also a Vocal Embodiment course for Speakers, Singers, Writers, and especially, for those who wish to fully activate Your Voice in the World.

I am frequently told by my new and potential clients, “I have no voice.” And to that statement, I agree otherwise. Our human systems are designed to express, to emote, to sing, to wail. In the way of healthy energetics, your voice serves as a tool for purifying the rest of your system; your physical body, emotional body, energetic body, mental body, and spiritual body will benefit from this course. In this course, I will share with you how to utilize your voice as an awesome and powerful tool of purification, as well as for life activation– to awaken your authentic voice within your life and within the world.

Learn the energetics and power within your voice, and access your fully embodied state, your full potential, through simple practices. In this course, you will learn to embody the deep, profound wisdom that is ready to move through you, and in this, purification will happen naturally, as your own Truth becomes crystal clear, you will rise to meet that Truth.

This course is based off of the teachings of My Embodied Voice, and is rooted in the ancient teachings of Nada Yoga (the yoga of sound), Shamanic wisdom, and energetic internal awareness. You need not have any prior yogic experience for this course– as you will be learning about your chakra system, your energy body, and how to clear stagnation from your creative channel, so that life and creativity can more easily flow through your words.

In this course, you will work with your physical voice, but what makes the work of My Embodied Voice different than any other vocal techniques (that I am aware of), is that you will also work on the energetic layers of your voice, and together, we will get to the root of why your voice hasn’t been working the way you might wish it to function. By getting to that root, which may be nervousness, self-judgement, lack of organization or energy, anxiety, “what are they gonna think of me”, “what if I’m not perfect”, “what if its not authentic”, “what if I mess up”, “what about my first impression”, “what if someone steals my brilliant idea”—this list, really, could go on and on— but by getting to the root of your inner critic, you can unwind a great deal of stagnant, potential creative energy, thus creating a massive opening for your fully embodied creative expression to shine, all the while, your channel of creativity is now flowing steadily. From this state, you can receive yourself. We can only give (to others) authentically if we are first receiving of our own precious gifts. You will learn to do this here. From this work, you will begin to live a balanced life.


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