• March 4, 2025


Eight Days Gone Interview


Eight Days Gone


Pictures Copyright Respected Holders

Interview With Neil From Eight Days Gone By Chris

A great rock band with some great tunes.
I wanted to know more so I did.


1.How did the band form?

John and I have been playing together for about 11 years…
we started out as a speed metal band in the 90’s… Gary
joind about 4 years back and Steve joined about 2 years
ago… the current EDG line up has been playing together
for about 2 years.

2.What were your major influnces?

there are so many… everyone in the band is influenced by
a variety of music. I like a lot of singer songwriter
stuff, mostly classic stuff, but i listen to mostly current
music, I’m into Radiohead and Matthew Good and Coldplay.
I’m into good songwriting. If is sounds like a good song
and it’s more than likely the artist that is performing it
wrote it… i’ll listen 🙂

3.If you could have a three band bill who would they

if i were to pick some current music… .it would mostly be
bands that i would personally love to see… (this may vary
from member to member – so this would be mine) I would say
maybe the Counting Crows – they just have a powerful
performance and a real connection to the crowd. Alice in
Chains (i know it’s not possible – but it’s hypothetical
right?? 🙂 ) and us. I t would be cool to share a stage
with these guys…

4. What music do you class yourselves as?

i guess you’d could call it rock 🙂 – we’re trying to put
together music that’s soulful and has melody.

5. Where do you think you will be in 10 years?

For me, i hope to be playing in some form, but mostly I
would like to produce other bands and work with

6. What has been your best gig you have played so

We played with Shinedown and Collective Soul at the
Sternwheel Regatta in Charleston, West Virgina…. it was a
great show, we played for about 8000 people and the energy
that comes from that many people is almost

7. What made you want to go out and play

i really wanted to write songs… .i love to write the
words so it just translates into singing them and
perfroming them i guess. I’m just a huge fan of music and
if i can be a part of that culture that’s where i want to

8. What are your thoughts on file sharing and the mp3

well, it’s tough… but i don’t really care at this point.
I think we (artists and music biz) need to make better
records with more stuff than just a CD… we need to come
up with some new ideas on what you get for $14 …. more
DVD footage, more interactive CD’s etc…. but if you like
the band and download the music…cool. Just come see us in
concert when we come to your town, buy a ticket and buy a
t-shirt. 🙂

9. Who would most like to record a song with?

I would love to reocrd with Van Morrison. I would have to
say that he is probably my favorite artist…there is just
something about what he does and the way he does it … i’m
not sure that our styles would be compatible … but i
think he could teach me a thing or two.

10. Do you think the internet is good for helping bands
get known?

I think it’s good… there are a lot of bands on the
internet so any internet marketing has to be agressive…
but what a better place to listen to new music.

Thanks for your time any last words

thanks for being persistant for this interview… 🙂 and i
thank you for your interest in EDG… .it’s been a


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