• February 24, 2025


Dropping Daylight Interview


Dropping Daylight

dropping Daylight

Picture copyright respected holders.

Interview With Dropping Daylight By Chris 19/7/06

After hearing their fantastic album Brace
I knew this band was something and that they are going
So naturally I had to interview Dropping Daylight.
So read the interview and then check out the review on the
review page.

Dropping Daylight

1. How did Dropping Daylight form?

Just a bunch of friends from high school getting together
to play songs…oh and a little brother.

2. What were the major influnces for the band?

Mid-90s Grunge pop as well as a lot of great singer

3. Have you had much responces from overseas

We are signed to Octone in the states…we haven’t yet
spoken with any overseas labels.

4. What has been the highlight of the bands career so

Playing at Northrup Auditarium in our hometown of

5. Which bands would you most like to play

Bands who can sing their balls off…bands who make us look

6. What inspires the band when writing music?

Whatever is going on in our lives. Whatever stories we told
that day are probably what the songs are about.

7. Has the new stuff gone down well at gigs?

Very…we are always getting more in tune with what our
fans like hearing.

8. What are your thoughts on file sharing and the mp3

I think its done a lot to broaden people’s musical
horizons. It allows them to listen to music they wouldn’t
have purchased on their own.

9. Were you pleased with the responce to the

Yes…it seems to mean something special to a lot of the
people who purchase it.

10. How did the recording process for the album

Long but educational. Very different for us.

11. What bands/artists are you listening to

People in Planes, Facing New York, Saves the Day, Valient

12. Who has helped you out the most?

Our parents…every step of the way.

13. How did you guys get signed to Octone

We talked with many labels and in the end Octone was the
right fit for us. They were sold on the band by our live

14. What is next for Dropping Daylight?

World Domination…or not. Hopefully just more tours.

15. What has been your favourite gig so far?

The above mentioned Northrup Auditarium gig in

16. Who have you guys enjoyed playing with the

We loved playing with Motion City Soundtrack…the music
fit well together and the fans were insane.

17. Have you had much radio play for songs released off
the album?

We have no idea…we don’t really listen to the radio.


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