• January 24, 2025


Dominique Pruitt Interview


Dominique Pruitt


Dominique Pruitt is a talented singer songwriter from America doing things. I liked what I heard and thought an interview was a must. So read on.


1. Are you happy how things have gone for you so far?
Yes, definitely! But I’m always shooting higher, and can’t wait to release a full album.

2. What inspires you when writing music?
Depends on the day, and my mood really. In general, just life. The open road and traveling, relationships, heartbreak, joy, misery, love. All of it!

3. What is your latest song about?
I just wrote a semi apocalyptic love song, haha. I’m actually quite in love with it!

4. What do you like about touring?
I love the aspect of getting to perform constantly, so that’s probably the number one! It’s just honing your skills and music night after night, so you feel super solid after even a small tour. But I also love being around my bandmates because they’re all creatives too, and you’re all constantly inspiring one another. Lots of good writing inspiration comes from being on the road, for me.

5. Do you have any rituals before playing live?

Yes! I watched a TED talk once on the power of body language and confidence, and they talk about a “power pose”. If you do this power pose for 2 minutes right before something important it immediately boosts your confidence level. It sounds really silly, but the band and I do it and at least we all get a good laugh out of it (while hopefully also boosting our confidence, haha).

6. What has been your favorite show to date?
That’s a tough one, but I’d have to say a show I did in New York last summer at the Standard in the East Village was a really high energy super fun crowd. The band and I just loved it!

7. How does social media help you as an artist?
It totally lets you connect directly with fans and other artists, which you were never really able to do so easily before. Literally one tweet or the right comment at the right time on Instagram can lead to new things. I’ve had some killer opportunities come from social media, so I love it! I’ve also met a LOT of rad people through it.

8. How important is connecting with your fans?
Very important! I feel like when fans can connect with you and engage, it lets them know you’re an actual human, haha. Like, I can tweet about having a hard day or a great day or that I want a donut, and they get a little peek inside my daily life.

9. If you could have any body in a video clip who would it be?
Hmmmmm. Anybody? Maybe Dolly Parton. She’s so damn fabulous.

10. What’s your favorite venue to play at?
Thus far, The Culture Center theater in West Virginia. I played there for NPR’s Mountain Stage in Charleston WV- and the sound and stage setup was pretty awesome.

11. What does 2014 have in store for you?
Writing a TON of new material, getting back into the studio to record, lots of shows, a tour and the start of world domination, haha. 😉


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