• February 23, 2025


Die Radio Die Interview


Die Radio Die

Die Radio Die

1.how did the band form?

well, chad used to play with our old singer brent in a bunch of different
bands. a couple years ago, they were looking for a bass player, and when i
joined we changed our name and started writing different stuff.

2.what were your major influnces?

right now we are heavily influenced by radiohead and u2, thats really it

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they be?

definitely us, radiohead, and u2

4. what music do you class yourselves as?

experimental rock

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?

the cover of every rock magazine in the world

6. what has been your best gig you have played so far?

furnace fest last year was definitely the best time i ever had at a show,
not because it was a lot of people but because the fest was great

7. what made you want to go out and play music?

just our own creativity and the realization we could do it for a job

8. what your fav type of beer?

haha, we dont really drink.. mountain dew

9. who would most like to record a song with?


10. any new releases in the pipeline?

yeah we should have an ep the next 6 months and a full length out next year

Check out www.dieradiodie.com


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