• March 29, 2025


Destiny Love


Destiny Love

OK so I need to be doing more updates on the site which I am, doing an interview next week with an awesome band who music I am totally loving. But I wanted to talk about and give more love to on my site is the amazingly inspirational Destiny Love. I’ve known Destiny for quite some time now and she is a person who I wish more people would be like.

For starters she has this amazingly beautiful energy about her, she is always happy enjoying life and to me that is amazing and you can’t help but be inspired by that. She is a singer songwriter with an amazing catalogue of inspiration music. Home In The Light is a must have album. It is such an inspiring release.

You can now get all her material now and future releases for only $44 dollars a year from her bandcamp page https://destinylovemusic.bandcamp.com/. To me it’s a great deal but I have most of her material and will continue to keep getting what ever she puts out next.

She has a udemy course, but online called Embody Your Voice: The Yoga of Sound which is about this Clear Energetic Stagnation and Open Your Creative Channel of Expression Through Self Sound Healing and Ancient Nada Yoga. https://www.udemy.com/embodiedvoice/

Ultimately, this is a Life Mastery Course, where you will be gaining the practical skills of utilizing the powers within your body and VOICE to open your channel of creative expression. This course is also a Vocal Embodiment course for Speakers, Singers, Writers, and especially, for those who wish to fully activate Your Voice in the World.

She teaches yoga and does lots’ of other inspirational things which you can find out about on her site. http://www.destinymarielove.com/ Sound Healer and Voice Teacher at My Embodied Voice.

She also is an actor and does voice over work which she kindly did some stuff for me because I think she has a great voice. She is a beautiful inspirational energy inside and out and I suggest you check out what she does as she is going places.


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Olivia May

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