• February 12, 2025


Denise Christine


Denise Christine


Photo by Harry Martin

Denise Christine is an actor as well as a model. She is a person who is extremely hard work and dedicated to what she does. She is also incredibly beautiful I like what she is doing so an interview was a must so read on.


1. How do you prepare for a role?

Preparing for a role is my favorite part of being an actor. To prepare, you really have to dive into the character and create a life for him/her beyond what was given to you on paper. It really takes a lot of imagination and creativity. Suppose you are given a back story for a particular role. From there, you have to think about how that character’s past and current situation affects the way they view the world, including how they speak, think, interact, and how they would react to different scenarios. It’s a really fun, challenging process. Aside from that, what helps me is to find things within myself (such as experiences or emotions I have felt throughout my life) that relate to the role I am taking on.

 2. What has been the highlight so far?

I think the highlight of pursuing this career is that I am never really working. I recently graduated Rutgers University with a double major in both Human Resource Management and Journalism/Media Studies, and upon graduating I had a very scary realization: I find no happiness in pursuing either of those fields. Every minute of every day, I am thinking about the entertainment industry. Every situation I am in, I think to myself, “take note of this, Denise, so if you ever have to act out a similar scene, you will be able to relay back to this very moment.” And I love that. I love constantly thinking about my craft and I love constantly growing in it. I want so badly to be successful in this industry, and I know I will be. I know that if I am successful, I will never have to work a day in my life.

3. How do you memorize lines?

Memorizing lines is really the same as memorizing anything (at first). I’ll go over the first line a few times, then repeat it back to myself several times without looking at the script. Once I have that one memorized, I’ll add the next line to it, and then the next, until I have memorized the entire scene. Once I have the lines memorized, then I’ll start to really look at the words and pick them apart. Memorizing is the easy part, it’s  making those lines come alive that’s the real challenge.

 4. How does social networking help you as an actor?

I cannot express enough how social networking will make or break an actor! I think a lot of people starting out in this industry fail to understand the power of social media and how it can take an entertainer further in their career. There really should be a class that teaches entertainers how to use social media to their advantage (I’m sure there is such a class out there, somewhere). I have booked various jobs off of the most unrelated types of media, including the fairly new smart phone app “Vine.” I have my website, e-mail, and other related information on all of my social media outlets and always present myself in a professional manner, because you never know who will stumble upon you! Social media is also great for networking and finding jobs. I have booked gigs for MTV via Facebook and have connected with a handful of amazing photographers and directors via both Instagram and Twitter. And, HASTAGS! The power of hashtagging your posts is incredible! J


Photo by Christopher Flannegan

 5. How is theater different to you to TV and film?

Every actor will tell you that theater is a whole world away from TV/film. When you’re on a stage, your audience is often seated pretty far from you, so every movement and every line is delivered a bit over-the-top. Your movements and expressions must be bigger and more exaggerated because the farther you are, the harder it is to grasp emotions. With TV and film, however, even the slightest expression or movement can be too much. There is a lot of acting with your eyes, which is uncommon if not inexistent in theater. I started out in theater, so the transition to TV/film acting was a very interesting, fun journey.

 6. What do you do to keep yourself looking so good?

The thing about being not only an actress but a model as well is that you have to keep yourself very well groomed. Of course, it’s great for anyone to do, but I think that entertainers have to do so on a whole other level. For instance, chipped nail polish is a big NO! The first film I ever did was a short for a class at college, and I made the mistake of filming with chipped, dark nail polish and I will never let myself live that down! Another thing is blemishes. Makeup can only hide so much, so it’s important to keep your skin clean and blemish free. I think entertainers really have to take the extra step to make sure we are looking our best. Don’t sleep with your contacts in, constantly moisturize your skin, groom your nails…basically do everything you would do the few days leading to a big event, just ALL the time.

 7. What would we find you listening to at the moment?

At the moment I am actually listening to the soap opera that my grandmother has on in the other room. Haha! I’m from New Jersey, and until I am financially stable enough to move out on my own to somewhere closer to the city, I live here with my mom, brother and blind grandmother, who I help care for. So, I am home now with her getting some work done before heading into the city later for a gig.

 8. What do you like to do to unwind?

Wine! Haha. I really enjoy winding down at the end of a long day with a drink, whether it’s wine, beer, liquor…I work part time as a bartender (my “real” job, as most entertainers have to assist with paying the bills), so I have a wide range when it comes to my beverage of choice. Another thing I enjoy doing is putting my phone away and sitting outside, enjoying the beauty of my surroundings. It very calming, being I am always running around non-stop. This is a very hustle-bustle industry, so to be able to just sit in the fresh air with no distractions and take in what’s around me is incredibly beautiful and soothing.

 9. Who would you most like to work with?

I am a HUGE Will Smith fan. If I had to opportunity to work alongside him, I think I would die! He is an incredible talented, humble actor. I also really love Emma Stone as I feel I can relate to her as an actor. I think I am similar to her when it comes to “type” and I can see myself in a lot of the roles she has done.

 10. What is next for yourself?

I have put a lot of work into building a resume and getting some good footage for a reel, and I have done that successfully. So now what I want to work on is getting good representation. I have the tools, now it’s just a matter of reaching out and putting myself out there. I wanted to make myself marketable before doing so, but now that I have a developed a resume for both acting and modeling, both a regular and commercial acting reel, a website, and a solid portfolio, I feel as though it is time!

11. What does 2013 mean to you?

This year has been so great to me so far! Although I have always been interested in the entertainment industry and have done some things here and there, I only got heavily involved in it within the past year. If you had told me 3 years ago that I’d be accomplishing what I have thus far, I would laugh in your face…and probably kiss you with joy. Haha! I look at what I have done on my own this past year, and am so excited for what’s to come. I know that if I work at the pace I have been working at, I will be successful in no time. I’m not really giving myself an option to fail. I am SO determined to succeed in this industry because I know in my heart that it is where I belong. So, I’ll see you guys on the big screen. 😉


Photo by Harry Martin


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