• February 24, 2025


Daisy Hicks


Daisy Hicks

Daisy Hicks

Picture copyright respected holders.

Interview With Daisy Hicks By Chris 13/3/09

Daisy Hicks is a great aussie singer songwriter who is making a name for herself overseas.

With a record deal in Sweden, she gonna go very far.

Read on and find out why this singer songwriter is doing good overseas

Daisy Website

1. Are you happy how the album turned out?

Yes I’m happy, I definatly have my favourite songs on there and theres a couple of songs I think
“maybe I could have done that better,” but sometimes you just have to leave things alone and get it out
there otherwise you could spend your whole life perfecting something that doesn’t see the light of day.
Plus you get such different feedback from people, the song you may like the least is somebody elses favourite!

2. What was the inspiration for the album?

Of course I have drawn from my own life experiences for this album, but I have also been inspired by other
peoples stories. There are a few songs on there more relevant to other people I know rather than me .

3. what inspires you when writing music?

Life! my life, other peoples life, especially if its a close friend or relative I think about what they have been
through and that can be great inspiration.

4. what was it like to play music in Sweden?

So far this year I have just been writing in the studio in Stockholm , my new record label is based in Sweden so they have gigs and promotions lined up for me over the next few months throughout Scandinavia and Europe. But I have to say I was so surprised at how much talent there is there and how many amazing producers and musicians come from Sweden. Its got a great buzz there. Plus Stockholm is such a beautiful city

5. What do you think of major record labels and the new 360 deals?

Well I guess the record labels have had to do it to keep going. If you are on a great label and they do a good job then those deals are fine, but if they do nothing for you and you have signed everything over to them then that’s when the trouble can start. I have said no to quite a few deals and always waited until the right deal comes along, because what you sign in a moment can mean the rest of your life in this industry, I have made mistakes before so I’m very careful now.

6. How did the recording of the album go?

Good, but its feels like ages ago. Writing and recording is probably my favorite part.

7. Are you happy how radio has picked up the album?

Yes I have had a great response so far and I’m really excited about Europe this year plus I have started getting played in the States so fingers crossed.

8. Have you had much response about your music back home in Australia?

I have had a lot of radio play in Australia but mostly on the regional stations around the country – they are great supporters of Australian independent music and thank goodness for them. The hot FM stations aren’t as supportive which is such a shame, there is so much great Ozzy music around not getting the exposure it should be. In Canada it’s the law that radio stations have to play 40% Canadian Music hence Canada have such a great music scene. Australia should be the same to get the industry buzzing there again. If more homegrown music was played on mainstream radio there would be loads more gigs and exposure for Australian talent. I think I need to have a word with Peter Garrett about that.

9. How has been overseas helped your music career?

To be honest I have had to come overseas mainly because of my last answer, I love Australia and its my home but there have been more opportunities for me being away and you have to take them when they present themselves.

10. What has been the response like to the music you make?

So far I have had a great response from younger and older generations – people say its good driving music which I’m pretty happy with.

11. Who have your enjoyed playing with the most?

My Dad, he was an amazing drummer and its broken my heart that he is no longer with us. The gigs we played together are times I will never forget.

12. How did you get into music?

My Dad definitely and my Mum’s side is very musical too. I grew up being at my Dad’s gigs and going to studios with him and mum cooking wonderful food for a houseful of musicians. It was a great atmosphere, I was introduced to all sorts of great music at an early age so its in the blood!

13. What don’t you like about the music industry?

I find it really boring when people take it all too seriously, it should be fun after all its Entertainment.


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