Two new rad songs for you to check out.
Here are two awesome songs from two Aussie acts that are worthy of your time. [soundcloud][/soundcloud] Cherub faced and seemingly sweet Huckleberry Hastings can lull even the hardest of hearts to silence, but do not be fooled, this sweetness comes with a kick. Howling and emotive, his sound explores elements of blues, folk and grit. Vocally distraught (along the likes of Billie Holliday) and lyrically sharp, his songs read like journals, digging up the parts most people try to hide. In early 2013 Huckleberry Hastings teamed up with producer Chris Rollans (Lanie Lane, Post Paint) and ventured to a small studio on top of a mountain in Crookwell to record “Huckleberry Blues”. “Huckleberry Blues” is rife with agony, passion, frustration, love, and at points teeters on the brink of psychosis. Over the past year, Huck has been popping up in numerous Sydney venues and some prestigious events, including TEDxYouth and Sydney Festival’s Folk in A Box. Now with single in tow, he’s ready to bring his blues to the masses, or at least anyone that will listen. [soundcloud]] Halcyon Drive single “Whitewash”. The track was produced by the legendary Steven…
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