• February 23, 2025


Buchanan Interview




Photo copyright respected holders

Buchanan are an exciting Melbourne band with an amazing debut album called Human Spring. I love what this band is doing and know this album will do amazing things for them. If you haven’t discovered Buchanan yet now is the time to do so. So read on and find out more.


1. What was it like working with Catherine Marks?

Amazing. Before we were even put in contact with each other, I very specifically wanted to step it up with this album by hiring a producer that was building a name for themselves, and also, a producer who wasn’t so interested in the sonics, but would focus and hone in on what it meant to actually write a song. Challenge us with questions like ‘how does this sound or chord help communicate your point as directly as possible?’ I knew I had to be challenged but I didn’t know how. So she very much accomplished all those things with us.

2. How did it feel to have the album mastered at Abbey Road?

A real treat. I also got to work with a masterer whose back catalogue makes my spine tingle, so again, a real treat.

3. What is the album about?

When we finished writing No Photo, our last EP, I really wanted to move past writing simple love songs and actually felt I needed to be inspired to do something better. That was around June 2011, and we were seeing a lot of those conflicts in the Middle East boil over… which is not an easy or necessarily interesting thing to sing about, but it certainly inspired me to be creative again after a couple months of not much writing. So I wrote this made up story in the studio whiteboard about this war or movement for peace and happiness. Everytime I got a little bit lost during the writing for the album I would return to that story for inspiration. So it’s definitely not a concept album, but we used this story to inspire us and push the process forward. It’s also the basis for the art direction.

4. How was the recording process different to the earlier releases?

Well for one we were working in actual studios this time – so very different! I think we recorded it all in about 7 different studios around the world, so it was a much bigger undertaking than the last couple of releases. Even the logistics of it were different… Questions like “how do we move a hard drive with the master files from London to Melbourne in 24 hours?” were some interesting new challenges!

5. How does having a booking agent and publicist and plugger help you as a band?

Building a team around you is probably the most important thing for any band, regardless of the size of the band. We’ve had agents before and pluggers etc but never all at once, so hopefully, it will help us by allowing us to fire on all cylinders at all times!

6. Are you surprised how things have gone for you so far?

It’s actually mind boggling. It’s been a very hands-on process for me every step of the way. It’s taken me around the world, around the country and to many many many different parts of the state. Someone asked me the other day for advice on how to break in to the scene and I realised that I was answering in very broad strokes, in a way that people used to answer questions to me. When I first started I never understood why people couldn’t provide detail on call, but now I do. There’s just such a sheer volume of experiences you have every day when you do this full-time.

7. What has been the craziest on tour experience so far?

Getting kicked out of Adelaide. I’m actually not allowed to say too much more!

8. What advice could you give to some one wanting to make a career in music?

Do it while you’re young or can afford to – give it your all and go hard. All you can do is persist and try your best. At least then if it doesn’t work out the way you hoped it might, you know you did everything you could.

9. What does 2013 mean to you?

I think 2013 might be the year I can finally grow a full beard… I’ll keep you posted!

10. If you could put the ultimate festival line up together who would be on it?

Jay-Z, Phil Collins, Radiohead, Bruce Springsteen and Buchanan. We’ll close, yeah?


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