• January 23, 2025


Breaking Orbit Interview


Breaking Orbit


Breaking Orbit are a Sydney band and Dylan Mitrovich – guitarist answered my questions so read on.


1. Are you happy how things have gone for you so far?
Definitely! We’re part way through recording our second album at the moment, which we have been tracking at The Grove Studios on the Central Coast, NSW. Its a lush studio on acres of natural bushland, with a fantastic sounding live room and on-site accom. We spent two weeks there in April and recorded probably 60% of the new album (including new single ‘Become the Light’ which we released last week), and its looking like we will head in to do the last chunk after the upcoming tour finishes in August. We all really enjoy the recording process and being in that creative workspace.

2. What inspires you when writing music?
All of us are really inspired by numbers and patterns. Musically, quite a lot of our ideas come from number sequences which then form rhythmic patterns. We really like to challenge ourselves when songwriting. A lot of the time our ideas start out in ridiculously complex and non-musical forms – and we whittle away at these until they become a more digestible format to write melodies over. Thematically, we are all inspired by things like space (hence the name!), ancient mythology and human consciousness – and although Matt comes up with most song concepts, these themes are often touched on musically in our soundscape-type layers.

3. What is your latest song about?
Our new single ‘Become the Light’ is about recognising the energy and instinct that – as humans – we are programmed with, and connecting with it to influence our reality.

4. What do you like about touring?
I think all of us are into travelling. Personally I like travelling to new places, soaking up the vibe of somewhere new, whether its cultural or physical like a venue. Its obviously really cool to be able to share our music with like-minded people too.

5. How important to you is touring regional alongside touring the cities?
To me, regional touring is just as important! I think more so – regional cities and towns often have more of a sense of identity than capital cities, and I find this cool.

6. What has been your favorite show to date?
Probably the most recent Sydney show we played at the Manning Bar in Sydney, with Twelve Foot Ninja. Its probably the biggest room we have played to in our home town, and a great venue.

7. How does social media help you as an artist?
It helps tremendously! If it weren’t for social media, I would say that it would be very hard to reach the international audiences we have without investing a significant amount of budget into marketing. Before we released our debut album ‘The Time Traveller’ – we released a weekly series of videos documenting the recording of the album and the construction and influence of the songs. This really helped to build our social fan base and its something we plan on doing again with the release of this new album.

8. How important is connecting with your fans?
For us, it is a very important part. Its funny though – for a lot of ‘progressive rock’ style bands similar to us, its common to keep quiet on the social front to help maintain the serious, moody and mysterious vibe. On the other hand, we kind of just like being ourselves. Talking to other musicians about music nerd stuff, connecting with people that share similar likes, and also allowing the world to see that we are really just people that like to have a fun time and aren’t completely serious ALL the time…

9. If you could have any body in a video clip who would it be?
The dude thats on the front cover of our debut album.

10. What’s your favorite venue to play at?
I think my favourite venue that I have played at would be the Manning Bar in Sydney. Its the last Sydney show we played – which was last year – at it is also the Sydney venue for the upcoming tour. Pretty excited about that show actually.

11. What does 2014 have in store for the band?
We just finished filming our first clip the other day, so that we be released shortly before the Australian tour in July/August with our pals sleepmakeswaves and Teal. After that we will likely head straight back into the studio to record the last few songs for the album, which should be released before the end of the year – and then probably more touring. Exciting times!


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