• March 4, 2025


Beloved Interview




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Interview With Josh From Beloved

Beloved Website

1.how did the band form?
We were all friends in high school, and we all went to the
same church, so we just got together at those 2 places i

2.what were your major influnces?
Right now, one of my major influences is Muse. Collectively
we all are influenced by older hardcore bands like
Strongarm, and Selfmindead.

3.if you could have a three band bill who would they

Our last tour was fun, it was Beloved, Evergreen Terrace,
and Comeback Kid.

4. who do you enjoy playing with?
I enjoy playing with all the bands we are friends

5. where do you think you will be in 10 years?
I probably won’t be in a band. I hope that maybed i am
married, with some little children running around.

6. what has been your best gig you have played so

Some stand out shows were probably Furnace Fest 03′ in
Alabama, and Nashville on our last tour. Nashville, TN has
always been good to us.

7. what made you want to go out and play

My dad has always been into underground music, he used to
go see Black Flag, and he bounced at this club. So, he got
me into this stuff at a young age. So, since about 5th
grade, i have always wanted to be in a band.

8. how did you get signed to solid state

We just toured with alot of their bands, and thats how they
heard about us, so thats how they ended up approaching

9. who would most like to record a song with?
I would love to record a song with Dave Grohl, or maybe
Billy Howerdel from A Perfect Circle.

10. any chance of coming down under to play?
Big Day Out 04′ (maybe one day!)


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